Commercial Law

    Commercial Law
    Law School
    Commercial & Consumer Law Coursework
    Word limit Including footnotes: 2,500


    ‘An agent is someone who acts on behalf of another.’

    How accurate is this a description of the legal nature of agency?
    This assessment is intended to assess the following module aim and intended learning outcomes:

    Marks will be awarded for the following:

    a. A fully reasoned essay of no more than 2,500 words including footnotes
    b. Consideration and analysis of relevant legal provisions and cases.
    c. A reasoned and logical structure
    d. A lucid and readable style
    e. Presentation
    f. Appropriate references for primary and secondary sources (see for example p. 9 of the programme handbook addendum)

    This assessment is intended to assess the following module aim and intended learning outcomes:
    1. Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the commercial and consumer law module which relates to the law of agency.
    2. Students are expected to show understanding of the agency relationship and the scope of the law of agency.
    3. Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of the relevant case law.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to write in a clear, precise and unambiguous manner.
    Pre-submission checklist

    Before submitting your assessment; ask yourself the following questions, just to be sure you’ve met all the requirements:

    • Have I read the question thoroughly and answered it fully?
    • Have I referenced using the Oscola footnoting system all the sources which I have used?
    • Have I used Turnitin to check my referencing?
    • Have I produced a bibliography so that my tutor knows where I have found all my information?
    • Have I completed the assignment within the word limit and stated my word count?
    • Have I used just my ID number to identify myself, not my name?
    • Have I complied with the School’s presentation requirements? (see below)
    • Have I included the title page table and started my assignment on page 2?
    • Have I used a spell checker and proof read my work?
    • Am I sure that I’ve completed the work to the best of my abilities?
    Submission requirements

    You must submit 1 electronic copy of your assignment via Turnitin on Blackboard by the date and time noted above.


    Penalties will be applied if you submit your work late, so please ensure you submit on time. You will find full details of these penalties in Part B of the Programme Handbook on Blackboard.

    Please also be aware that penalties will be applied if you exceed the word limit on your assignment. Word limit penalties are strictly applied; there is no 10% leeway. You can use the word count function on your computer to count the number of words for you. Please note, we will be using the word count tool provided in Microsoft Word 2000, the University’s word processing package. However, bear in mind that different word count tools may use different rules from these, so the total you get may not comply exactly. If the word count produced by your computer is close to the word limit, you should do a further check





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