COMM 46601-001

    COMM 46601-001

    Relational Communication

    Select a topic you have learned in this class or a topic that is an extension of the topic you have learned in this class. The topic should be an action-oriented issue in a close relationship that should be addressed.

    Complete a 4-page literature review first on this topic. This section should include the significance of this issue/topic (no more than half of a page), and a review of the current research. A minimum of 4 scholarly journal articles and/or book chapters are required. These journal articles should be largely communication journals. Non-scholarly articles and references such as newspapers, magazine, documentary films, popular press, or personal interviews are STRONGLY encouraged to strengthen the quality of this paper as additional materials. The second section will focus on recommendations for actions based on the first section, the literature review.

    For instance, you wish to discuss the issue of rejection in romantic pursuit in this paper. Your literature review should focus on the existing research on how “rejectors” consider and deliver rejection to the other person, the risks of unsuccessful delivery of rejection, etc. Your recommendations for actions section can focus on providing helpful and effective “script” for people who wish to terminate or redefine the relationship with the other person. The recommendations should be grounded and derived from the research findings you identified in the first section.

    You will prepare a 5-minute presentation and deliver it to me on the assigned time/date. This presentation should be a summary of your paper (literature review and your recommendations). If you want to use PPT for your presentation, please bring a laptop with you. After your presentation, I will follow up with questions based on your presentation (5 minutes).

    Grading:  The paper will be graded based on quality of the content and the writing style. The literature review should be more than simply summarizing the findings of research. It should also include your “own” analysis of the topic based on the research findings. The recommendations for actions should have a direct relationship with the research findings.

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