Cold War

    The Cold War was at the heart of much of the anxiety in the 1950s. Unlike other wars and eras in the American past, the Cold War brought with it a nuclear fear that touched every neighborhood in the United States. Which of the following was not one of the ways this message was communicated? (Points : 1) A: Duck and cover B: Bomb shelters C: Hollywood movies D Kitchen debates 

    2: Which is not associated with the end of the Vietnam War? (Points : 1) Paris Peace Accords Fall of Saigon Rolling Thunder Ho Chi Minh City

    3: Kennedy immediately understood the centrality of international issues and devoted significant attention to them from his first days in office. Which of the following best characterizes his strategy of flexible response? (Points : 1) Massive invasions Special forces Nuclear threats Unlimited war

    4: The civil rights movement was a long process in which many different people contributed. Which of the following groups was not known as one of the leaders of the movement? (Points : 1) White lawyers College students Bus riders Preachers

    5: Who said the following words: “Every segment of our population has a right to expect from his government a fair deal”? (Points : 1) Roosevelt Truman Eisenhower Kennedy

    6: Which of the following terms best describes Eisenhower’s foreign policies during his presidency? (Points : 1) Massive containment Massive retaliation Massive aggression Massive brinkmanship

    7: The wave of nonviolent protests in the civil rights movement resulted in many of the legislative gains in the 1960s. Which of the following was not true of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? (Points : 1) It prevented discrimination in federally assisted programs. It established the on Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It eliminated discriminatory tricks that prevented African Americans from registering to vote. It provided relief against discrimination in public accommodations.

    8: The violence in the cities, calls for black power, and racial unrest played a significant role in slowing the momentum of Johnson’s Great Society. Which of the following was the central flaw in Johnson’s understanding of this problem? (Points : 1) It interpreted civil rights as a southern problem. It focused too much attention on Martin Luther King. it did not silence racist southern politicians. It failed to work with Robert Kennedy.

    9: Which of the following was not a civil rights group that began after World War II? (Points : 1) SCLC CORE SNCC NAACP

    10: Kennedy immediately understood the centrality of international issues and devoted significant attention to them from his first days in office. Which of the following best characterizes his strategy of flexible response? (Points : 1) Massive invasions Special forces Nuclear threats Unlimited war 

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