Cognitive psychology

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    Cognitive psychology is the study of how the think, our perceptions, how we make decisions and how we recall.  As we experience or learn new things we organize them in our minds dependant on the state or context in which we find ourselves, the schemas of our previous understanding and how it relates to other things that we have learned.  For instance, different manners in which we encode information is dependant on how relevant it may or may not be to our lives.  Take for example the studying of psychology.  As I read the text I try to associate certain concepts with things I have experienced myself of experiences of others.  This not only improves my conceptualization of the concept but also helps me to remember it as those experiences and/or people are firmly implanted in my LTM.  Another example is that of spaced learning.  This consistent repetition helps push information from the STM to the LTM by reducing decay.  This is a strategy that I often use for studying.  I prefer to study in short bursts when doing my initial readings etc.  This gives me the opportunity to absorb the information and when I go back and review it it stays fresher in my memory.

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