Cognition Research Proposal, Abstract, Reference Page

    This instructor is extremely picky on analyzing that every assignment criteria is met. It needs to follow the exact requests below. I have read up through the first 6 chapters of the book, so it would be best to structure this essay proposal question around those first 6 chapters. Please email me with any questions at all.

    Also, since the paper can be between 5-7 pages, I am paying for 7 pages to cover an abstract and references page needed (I will put them on separate pages on my own), which leaves up to 6 pages for the paper.

    Assignment Instructions

    For this assignment, you will write a 5-7 page research proposal (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages) on any cognitive psychology topic covered in the book (Radvansky, G.A.,& Ashcraft, M.A. (2014). Cognition (6th Ed.) ISBN: 0-205-98580-7.

    The assignment must include an introduction, proposed methods, predicted results, and a conclusion attesting to the theoretical and practical importance of your topic. You must cite a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed research articles (see below), and the entire paper must be in APA format and relatively error free.

    In addition to reviewing the APA Manual 6th edition, please see below for more specific information about what to include:

    Title Page (1 page, not counted in length requirement)
    •Specific title alluding specifically to the research question.
    •Author’s first and last name (middle initial, optional).
    •University affiliation.

    Abstract (1 page, not counted in length requirement )
    •Title of page: Abstract.
    •Succinct, non-indented summary of all parts of research proposal (described below).

    Introduction (recommended length, 1.5-2 pages) (25 of 25 points)
    •Introduce and describe theoretical and practical importance of research problem or question (5 of 5 points).
    •Provide balanced evidence that supports or refutes certain viewpoints, including those against your research hypothesis (15 of 15 points).
    •Present clear rationale and statement of research hypotheses(is) (5 of 5 points).

    Proposed Methods (recommended length, 1-1.5 pages) (15 of 15 points)
    •Restate research question and hypotheses(is), i.e., purpose of study (1 of 1 point).
    •Describe method for testing research question, including Participants (4 of 4 points), Materials (5 of 5 points), Counterbalancing, and Procedure (5 of 5 points).

    Predicted Results (recommended length, 1-1.5 page) (15 of 15 points)
    •Restate research question and hypotheses(is), i.e., purpose of study (1 of 1 point).
    •Describe a statistical analysis plan need to properly analyze the data (5 of 5 points).
    •Assume you obtained your results and thoroughly describe the results, referencing your bar or line chart (5 of 5 points).
    •Create a bar or line chart of your predicted results, with properly labeled axes (4 of 4 points).

    Conclusion (recommended length, 1.5-2 pages) (20 of 20 points)
    •Briefly reintroduce your research question, hypotheses(is), and predicted results (2 of 2 point).
    •Describe theoretical importance of your proposed discovery, relying on peer-reviewed evidence (10 of 10 points).
    •Describe alternative explanations and limitations of your results (5 of 5 points).
    •Conclude with restatement of research question and how the results from your proposed study bears on the theoretical and practical importance of your research question (3 of 3 points).

    References (any page length, not counted in length requirement) (5 of 5 points)
    •APA-formatted references of peer-reviewed research articles or other primary sources (see Additional grading criteria below).
    •A minimum of five peer-reviewed research articles is required (5 of 5 points).

    Additional grading criteria (20 points):
    •The paper must follow APA formatting guidelines for entire paper, including in-text citations, title page, abstract, references, and general formatting, which also includes margins (1″ all around), headers (page number, running head), and figures (10 points).
    •Writing must be easy to understand and be limited in mistakes, including typos, spelling, grammar, diction, run-on sentences, and punctuation (10 points).

    Lastly, you must include at least five (5) peer-reviewed research articles. Your paper must demonstrate that you read and understood the articles to the best of your ability. Points will be taken off in their relevant sections for failure to read the papers. Additionally, no direct quotes will be allowed, except in extenuating circumstances (which are extremely rare). Use of direct quotes may count against you in meeting the requirements for the paper and may result in additional points lost! Please heed this warning. Instead, the papers you cite should be paraphrases with proper in-text citations. Please use the peer-reviewed articles you are reading as a guide on how to cite properly!

    Although APA formatting does not necessarily require it, I would like each any book citations to also include the page number.

    A note on the length requirement: Going over or under the length requirement will result in additional lost points. Please make sure you heed this warning, too!

    Save your finished research proposal as a word document only (.doc or .docx) and submit using the link. Feedback will be given using track changes.

    Any sign of plagiarism or improper citations will automatically earn a ‘0’ and you will be subject to academic sanctions.


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