Clinical practice improvement paper

    This assignment builds on the attached assignment (see attachments). You will be provided with:
    � resources relating to commonly used CPI tools( please use PDSA tool in this assignment )
    � A CPI template that they must type their CPI paper into.
    You will be required to use a minimum of eight (12) secondary literature sources (from the last 5 years) that closely relate to their nursing issue from Assignment 2. For example:
    � systematic literature review, Cochrane review
    � practice guidelines
    � clinical protocol or guideline
    � government report
    � position paper of guideline from a reliable web-based resource (e.g. The Heart Foundation or the ARC etc).
    You are permitted to use the same sources they used in the attached Assignment if they were secondary sources.
    You will be required to construct a CPI report using the supplied template (see attachments). In order to pass this assignment, students must successfully address each of the criteria outlined on the marking rubric which is available in the attachments.

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