Clinical Diagnosis Film

    Assignment Guidelines 1
    MAJOR ASSIGNMENT (HPS308-2000 Words, 50% unit grade; HPS788 – 2500 words,
    50% unit grade)
    Due Date
    See cloudDeakin unit outline for the due date.
    Clinical Diagnosis Film Assignment (Marks out of 100 HPS308; out of 125 HPS788)
    The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience in utilising some of the clinical
    skills in diagnosis and formulation that are discussed in the unit, when viewing a cinematic
    depiction of a disorder, along with a consideration of whether such depictions impact on
    stigma. You will also be asked to do and apply knowledge from a literature review with
    respect to the disorder, which will be worth around half of the assignment’s marks (please
    read the marking rubric which will be used for marking).
    For the movies provided below, there is one central character in the movie that has symptoms
    of a psychological disorder (sometimes there may be more than one character; I have given
    you the character with the most obvious symptoms). I recommend watching the films with a
    friend or classmate so you can discuss the film afterwards.
    Movie Choices
    (Note: these will be available from the library. Unfortunately, we will only be able to get live
    streaming for the second film due to copyright restrictions by Warner Bros.)
    1. Fearless (1993, Jeff Bridges as Max Klein, disorder: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) – is a
    Peter Weir film depicting the two main characters’ differing reactions to being in a plane
    crash. In particular, while hailed as “the good Samaritan” for his work in helping others, Jeff
    Bridges’ character displays signs of PTSD (although some also suggest he may experience
    some post-traumatic growth in response to the tragedy). [Note: features a realistic depiction
    of an aircrash and strong language.]
    2. The Weatherman (2005, Nicolas Cage as David Spritz, disorder: Major Depressive
    Disorder). The Weatherman is a minor film by Gore Verbinski, who is now known mostly for
    directing Johnny Depp films, which depicts Nic Cage as a Chicago Weatherman who has
    separated from his wife and children. He struggles with self-worth and doubts the value of
    his career when evaluated against his father’s (award winning writer). While it is perhaps
    debatable as to whether David is experiencing Dysthymia or a mild, chronic variant of Major
    Depressive Disorder (two disorders which are fairly similar anyway – DSM-5 at one stage
    was proposing to collapse these diagnoses), please review the movie with respect to the better
    studied disorder – Major Depressive Disorder. [Note: the movie has strong language, sexual
    content, and depicts a character experiencing cancer.]
    Assignment Guidelines 2
    The Task
    Please give a brief introductory sentence or two to the essay and then do the below tasks!
    Note the word counts here are shown as a guide not as a rule (just keep to the overall
    Client Presentation (approx. 200 words; 10 Marks)
    One of the skills of becoming a clinical psychologist or mental health worker is being able to
    observe and describe client presentation; this is the opening section of a Mental Status Exam
    which you will be taught to perform within the postgraduate course. Client presentation can
    inform as to the client’s experienced disorder, quality of living, and the veracity of
    information gleaned in a clinical interview. Therefore, in one paragraph (approx. 5-6
    sentences) briefly describe the main character using the framework you received in the
    tutorial classes. As appearance is essentially a snapshot – please describe the client as they
    appear in one scene of the movie (for Fearless, describe the character returning home on the
    airplane when he first meets the psychologist portrayed in the movie; for The Weatherman,
    describe the character when he is waiting in line and asked for his autograph).
    Diagnosis/Symptoms (approx. 300 words; 15 Marks). Indicate how the disorder is portrayed
    within the movie and evaluate its accuracy.
    ? You should back up the diagnosis with the relevant symptoms displayed by the
    character (in other words, explain why the diagnosis is appropriate). Refer to the
    movie to illustrate the symptoms that the character demonstrates, with respect to
    DSM-IV-TR criteria for the disorder (see the DSM-IV-TR criteria via the weblink
    ? Discuss all the possible symptoms of the disorder; does the client show all the
    possible symptoms, or only some of the possible symptoms of the disorder? Are some
    symptoms displayed in the movie that do not fit with typical presentations of the
    disorder (Note, do not reproduce full criteria sets from the DSM/ICD in the
    assignment; but you can paraphrase where appropriate!).
    Aetiology/Formulation (approx. 1300 words; 60 Marks). One of the stated goals of diagnostic
    classification systems is that knowledge of what disorder a person is experiencing should lead
    to additional knowledge from the literature regarding potential causes/prognosis/etc.
    As such,
    ? Perform a critical literature review. Summarise relevant evidence and prominent
    theories regarding the origin and maintenance of the type of disorder the character is
    experiencing. For example, relevant evidence for biological, psychological and social
    factors within the cause/maintenance of the specified disorder. (1000 words; 45
    ? What origins are clear from the movie, and what origins would you speculate for the
    character’s disorder, given what you know from your above review regarding the
    Assignment Guidelines 3
    disorder? You should reference aspects from a basic grid framework, but note that
    you should write this section in paragraph format (biological/psychological/social
    factors; precipitating/predisposing/ perpetuating/protective factors). In particular, the
    focus on protective factors is important – clinical psychology can become overly
    symptom/deficit focused; however, all clients show strengths that can be drawn on in
    overcoming or coping with the negative events/factors in their life. When considering
    this issue, consider, what strengths does the character demonstrate in their life and in
    dealing with the problem? (300 words; 15 marks)
    Stigma (approx. 200 words; 10 marks). A learning objective for this unit is a consideration of
    the stigma that is associated with mental illness, along with public knowledge of the mental
    disorders (i.e., society’s “mental health literacy”). The media has had a strong influence about
    how we understand mental illness and is the main source of information regarding this for
    most individuals in society. Accordingly, you should spend some time evaluating the positive
    and negative messages the movie gives the public about people with this disorder, and if
    depicted – the mental health profession in general.
    Finally – Spelling, punctuation, grammar, presentation & APA 6th edition formatting and
    referencing is worth 5 marks.
    Additional task for HPS788 ONLY (approx. 500 Words; 25 Marks)
    Prognosis. As noted above, an assumption of psychiatric classifications systems such as the
    DSM, which are rooted in so-called medical models, is that diagnosis will inform prognosis
    and treatment.
    ? Briefly summarise research evidence regarding typical long-term outcome for the
    disorder – note outcome both when the disorder is treated and (if information
    available) – untreated. Which treatments are evidence-based, and is there any evidence
    that one treatment is superior to another.
    ? What prognosis do you see in the movie (e.g., does the person seem to recover fully?)
    A few fine details
    Your paper must be typed, double spaced, and in essay form, using APA 6th edition as a
    style-guide. Margins should be 2.54 cm (1-inch; this is APA style requirements!) on all sides
    and only a 12-point font size should be used. You may use subheadings, but not to excess,
    and you still need to have “topic sentences” in your paragraphs (i.e., do not use a new
    subheading for each paragraph!) You must use complete sentences and developed paragraphs
    (e.g., paragraphs generally should be at least one-half page long). You should include page
    numbers; do so using the “Insert>>Page Numbers” mechanism on Microsoft Word (or
    equivalent). Include these page numbers only on the upper right-hand corner of each page.
    Also, include a coversheet on which you a) give your paper a professional-sounding title (no
    more than 12 words; NOTE: Indicate your chosen movie in your title!), b) indicate your
    name, c) indicate your institutional affiliation (i.e., Deakin University), d) your word count.
    Assignment Guidelines 4
    This coversheet information must also be double-spaced; begin about halfway down the page,
    and type your name and institutional affiliation on separate lines below the title [Note: this is
    for professionalism only – the online submission means that we won’t lose your assignment
    and can check word count!]. The space between paragraphs must be double-spaced (like the
    rest of the paper). Thus, you should not triple space (or greater) between paragraphs.
    Remember, everything is to be double-spaced only. Do NOT provide any additional
    information anywhere in the paper (i.e., do NOT indicate what class this is, my name, the
    time we meet, or any other information; provide ONLY the information that is asked for).
    Finally, begin writing on the top line of the second page (i.e., the page immediately following
    the coversheet). All papers MUST be submitted electronically via the drop box.
    Assignment Guidelines 5
    HPS308 Rubric for assignment 2, 2013 Name:…………………………………………………….. Topic:…………………………………………………… Date:……………………………………Grade………………………………………………….
    Criteria and abbreviated instructions Inadequate Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
    ULO1: Integrate general psychological
    knowledge, empirical evidence and clinical
    belief into a multidimensional integrative
    understanding …; and
    ULO3: …demonstrate familiarity with the
    methods of assessing psychological disorders
    and the main systems of classifying disorders.
    Brief description of the client (10 marks) t•oh rIe nv ccaolgimeunept ld e(e0tse-c4, ri.n9ipc)t oiorrne octf, ic•vmnl aAiicegsldnusueitednq /(eguesd au.og btpr.e, ue m sdtro foedmiscsectieta rai liini;pnl fs5tfo oi-ro5rmnm.9 ao)atf ti iotohnne
    c•aao dlClm eoaqsmmuppauetencetti escm na(tat6e nd-d6ne .ies9ncr) r, a icnpo tvioenrs,
    cc•doo eCmvslceeprrairsrpe ,a thhilolei gannhss o pisvfet etachlntyesd (ca7lri-de7n .9t,)
    ftc•oehl uCiaeesotmntumatr n,c epnldseroi eaanthrneglesd ydn a(cesl8osilv -cmi1emri m0app)ntuo idnor tinca anottfe tsh e
    Itnhde imcaotvei he oawnd t heev adliusaotred ietrs iasc pcourrtarcayy e(d1 5w mitharink s) •ood rfiIa nivgtcasno gaomucsecips ulj euratasnectd,iy f iie n(cv0caao-tl7iruor.4anet) cfi too,n r
    j•aau ncIscndtuci/frooiacmrca eyptiv l( 5f ao-o8trri . od9vni)aa gogufn eiot ss is
    fc•aeoo vdCrmaeo dlqummiuaapautgtiennoetion ecmsna oitatsfe n jaiduntn ssied tnari f ca(iccn9ua -tr1ia0ocn.y4 ,)
    j(•aaau1 ncsCspc0dltue.ei 5efrcai-vatcr1sac,a 1 ylhtcu.i oi9coagmo)nth iv pofseorntrrea so hnd afedi lianlat gssrn divo esliys
    f(oPabreciirogtfoilonorrsg ma/inct aahdl e c,m orpirastiiyienccsath)el.o nl(ila4toen5grci amceta uaol rrfa ketn hsrd)ee s vdoiiecswioar lrd eegra rding the irc•o1dteo u5isCalm s)eoag tv mcmnaacnopuundsrnrtii easniic hncagayefn otj,n uedrnsssm oie tvctviaefleaeit scilaao uaanrntalldilyt o a i on(n1n df2 o o-rf
    ? Aaosfb: rseefnlet cotre din bcoym 3 polre t>e ? Sl(,c erredfeis clo)iia ran ls cienec oodnnedt aairl y ? Lacking synthesis ? Ilintceorantsuisrtee nt with ? M(bp0isio-ys2lcso2hign omigcl oaasglre,ik ccstai)ol , nsso c(,
    ? Athdee fqoullaotwe ibnugt: reflects 1-2 of ? Superficial in detail ? Lacking synthesis ? Inconsistent with literature ? sbM(2oiioc2slis.oa5igln-)2ig c 6 as.le5, c pmtsioyanrckhss o()le,c al,
    ? Cllt(eih2mosa7msni- t3cp ero1edem t qmienupna irstrre yekrhnedsetv). nh ieeswisvi seb ourt
    ? R i(sscaen3ytonvea n1mialvndit.lti5pydehee-snrawer3iearcss5 hdieti ssou. e:5eo fron d femlf si c .mai aar vn irheitdtki,ia c gswta)hi leo lnl s
    ? Rsceoyoxuentmtvrstiephteamrwenese dhiilssiyeen on dwgfs. iesavtlnlea n&d ard: ? H(r& e3i gcg6rah-irlt4ydi5c iian nmlgs a airgnrehkaletlsyf)vus alin st th iisnskuinesg.
    Assignment Guidelines 6
    komW nrahiograwiktns osf)r r woigmoinu ylsdo a uyrroe aucb lseopaverec f urreolavmtiee t,w hge irv emegnoa vwrdiehi,na atgn ytdho uew h(1a5t
    rs•aobdet nriiIrosl ndveeolc ovnarsoggadgomniutecchetirpaa s, tl lfl io,eo ( nfp 0tratcesm-hcl,7yu teiuco.nd 4chlrcia)lsnoio t elgiroon rgnte’i cscot af, l
    issc•b8mtol i.Ai9roceped)linoona etglrgq’ tsiftucaa hdaancsilttt,s,oe boip rnfurssofdyt orr ecmmrehrml,ieou siavllnsoataicitgnnoliiugotnc dnats (oi ol7no amtf.gh5n ee-d
    litr•abenoe niCsoc qdtsollhuu omsceidgoor piicecmnclediaigatpe l(e l,nrs 9nfpetta-rt’hs1cs eyfet 0ondcon.rghi4rssmtso)iohv lrursoeedl,g altbeeihtcruviaoa,ta nl nn to f
    ffsc•paotl sHircryeetmincognhturhg’ossl tsa l hrdottesaiigo lsn(ieonc1dvar 0aoadlr. nf5ae dbtnr- 1i,t d ooi1 nl s.ot9cohgl)cuei ic daaill n, g
    ssc•abtol niOirocedeulin onawttglsg’ estiftcaa hldlacns-iltdd.s,o Ceopirnsorssgcdym rr ecfeipohrbl,rreoe iemvldnoha cug(enll1inuatc2 dstati-ioilov1n anet5ghn ) oed f ULO4: Demonstrate an understanding of the
    presence of stigma …
    nCeognastidiveer amtieosns aogfe sst iggimvean i n(1cl0u mdianrgk ps)o sitive and itr•anhe dDse-dtie gefesihldlclmts ros ii bbwn(es0fieos-t,4rhr rvm. 9mea)pati itonoiroinmtnss afoorlrr o m
    itrsc••5mnreoo .UOa9afamnensb)dscr eesoseeesf en,pwno rbtstrcvhau umefayeotast , alrn siiobto osotirunahou ftdtsenru i we co orjoetuntriar htd d ijheulga raeldti asmtg t etilenoemn tteh n(e5t s-
    f•owmo fAie rtp dshjouse ssadqioggtumeieavsmtee er erae cennloaatdnt s( eosn6dine-d 6gtienoa.r9g tfa)i igvt limieov n e n
    jrr•aduee neCdlasdalgsce toneraeinmerdpg,i tenthaiongoti git nfgv hi( lieo7 mvs fm-et 7tanwhe.n 9sfiedto)s hp ara rogsdsetr isto inveg
    jtr•opmuhe uoCdeeatsosgmssismtoteiaa nmvcpgnlieereend eaasngihn rnt rgl,egde yicn l v cona(seo8tmeinenv-gd 1mesafio 0ttaduiro)nven edrfiica lamtitoe wns iothf
    ULO5: Compose scientific arguments, reports,
    or commentaries… SApPeAll fionrgm, pauttnicntgu aatnido nr,e gferraemnmcianrg,. p(5re mseanrtkast)io n & f(s••oo0p vPPr-eeoom2lrloo.ai4anrrlt l mg ap &p,du arg hrnrereekcsafrtsemeue)nr namtetacniaetocir noti,n on, g .A PA
    f(••gppo2 rurAAra.en5mddmsc-eee2atmqqnut.9uu taa&a aatrmt itt,rio eeooaen rnvfsa,ekt ed sarsrhpen)aeen dlrllca leiirnnndggc e ,o ft o APA
    (••gpp&3 rurGM ra-en3oemsocof.es4temdntu rlm taeyaoatn ravtai,ciore co&iknrcnnas u,gg )lsrol p aAotedPell Aoin vfgoe,r ramlla t
    f(s••vpo3p erVAr.eer5mecysl-clre i3agyunnt.o r9gg t&aoa ,o mtdtg oeri roae doparnfv muoek ervnsrme)ecan rtalulacr ila,nl ta Agino P dnA ,
    f(••gpppo4 rurrEEra-eonxxm5msfccce emateemsnutllsa lltaa&ieearotrnntk i,nroi ttsaoea n)osnnfl ,te v d.las ree pnehvrednaieglacllll hiiro nnAdlfygg P o ., Af
    Comments (optional):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Assignment Guidelines 7
    HPS788 Rubric for assignment 2, 2013 Name:…………………………………………………….. Topic:…………………………………………………… Date:……………………………………Grade………………………………………………….
    Criteria and abbreviated instructions Inadequate Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
    ULO1: Integrate general psychological
    knowledge, empirical evidence and clinical
    belief into a multidimensional integrative
    understanding …; and
    ULO3: …demonstrate familiarity with the
    methods of assessing psychological
    disorders and the main systems of
    classifying disorders.
    Brief description of the client (10 marks) t•oh rIe nv ccaolgimeunept ld e(e0tse-c4, ri.n9ipc)t oiorrne octf, ic•vmnl aAiicegsldnusueitednq /(eguesd au.og btpr.e, ue m sdtro foedmiscsectieta rai liini;pnl fs5tfo oi-ro5rmnm.9 ao)atf ti iotohnne
    c•aao dlClm eoaqsmmuppauetencetti escm na(tat6e nd-d6ne .ies9ncr) r, a icnpo tvioenrs,
    cc•doo eCmvslceeprrairsrpe ,a thhilolei gannhss o pisvfet etachlntyesd (ca7lri-de7n .9t,)
    ftc•oehl uCiaeesotmntumatr n,c epnldseroi eaanthrneglesd ydn a(cesl8osilv -cmi1emri m0app)ntuo idnor tinca anottfe tsh e
    Itnhde imcaotvei he oawnd t heev adliusaotred ietrs iasc pcourrtarcayy e(d1 5w mitharink s) •aeod vcriIac navgulcaunrogaaomutcsieyipos ljn( eua0 tosn-etf7d,i if. i4tincs)ca otirorne cfto, r
    j•aau ncIscndtuci/frooiacmrca eyptiv l( 5f ao-o8trri . od9vni)aa gogufn eiot ss is
    fc•aeoo vdCrmaeo dlqummiuaapautgtiennoetion ecmsna oitatsfe n jaiduntn ssied tnari f ca(iccn9ua -tr1ia0ocn.y4 ,)
    jc•aa1uo nc1Cscmd.lt9uei pef)rai varcreac,a yhlhtui eicoagnonthsiv oifsevontrera so lnd yafdi l(ialat1 gsar0n ds.op 5se-icst s
    ft(Pahbeceirot fooloorrrsigmg/iict naah l eac, onrpirdstiyi emccsah)al.o i l(nil4totee5grni amcatanual crrakeen sord)ef s vtohiecewi ad lri seogradredrin g ic•aodno cuiCafcmsoogutrmmnarmanopucdsarnyitiesnii, co hnaganeon tjn utedaessns ies tvdc viaefl aeil cllaa uarnrtaeldiytlo ei on(v1n af2 ono-rtf1 i5t)s
    ? Aaosfb: rseefnlet cotre din bcoym 3 polre t>e ? Sl(,c erredfeis clo)iia ran ls cienec oodnnedt aairl y ? Lacking synthesis ? Ilintceorantsuisrtee nt with ? M(bp0isio-ys2lcso2hign omigcl oaasglre,ik ccstai)ol , nsso c(,
    ? Athdee fqoullaotwe ibnugt: reflects 1-2 of ? Superficial in detail ? Lacking synthesis ? Inconsistent with literature ? Msb(2oiioc2slis.oa5igln-)2ig c 6 as.le5, c pmtsioyanrckhss o()le,c al,
    ? Cllt(eih2mosa7msni- t3cp ero1edem t qmienupna irstrre yekrhnedsetv). nh ieeswisvi seb ourt
    ? R l(sscaei3ytonvteaen1miavndrt.li5apydehe-tsnrawe3uiercss5 rhdiei seso. e:5eo. f on d fmlf si c maiaarvn irheitdtki,ia c gswta)hi leo lnl s in
    ? Rsseytxeantvnrtiedhemawerse diilssy:e o cdwof. mealnlp oreuhtsetnasnidvein &g ? H(rc er3iilgt6ehiv-cl4aay5nl i atnm nissaaisgrluyhkestsifs)su. lr ethgianrkdiinngg &
    Assignment Guidelines 8
    (koW 1nrh5ioga wmitn oasfr rrwokigmosi)nu ylsdo a uyrroe aucb lseopaverec f urreolavmtiee t,w hge irv emegnoa vwrdiehi,na atgn ytdho uew hat
    rs•aobdet nriiIrosl ndveeolc ovnarsoggadgomniutecchetirpaa s, tl lfl io,eo ( nfp 0tratcesm-hcl,7yu teiuco.nd 4chlrcia)lsnoio t elgiroon rgnte’i cscot af, l
    issc•b8mtol i.Ai9roceped)linoona etglrgq’ tsiftucaa hdaancsilttt,s,oe boip rnfurssofdyt orr ecmmrehrml,ieou siavllnsoataicitgnnoliiugotnc dnats (oi ol7no amtf.gh5n ee-d
    frscc•opaetlo fsCirc qmyebeotuncoinmpohitrgrr’lospsoete l herdgdhoesti eig(ec,ls nie9anbocvs-lutar,1ia dltvf0 no aeel.ternr4 tms,td)h osi nua stnclohal cuetii daoiln n g
    ffsc•paotl sHircryeetmincognhturhg’ossl tsa l hrdottesaiigo lsn(ieonc1dvar 0aoadlr. nf5ae dbtnr- 1i,t d ooi1 nl s.ot9cohgl)cuei ic daaill n, g
    ssc•bwtol iOireoceelulinlona-ttdglsg’ stifetcaa,o iCopibrnorssegdym dr ecfe pohr(l,1rreo iemv2lnoha-cug1enllinu5atc sd)tati ioil ovn anetghn aoednf d
    ULO2: Evaluate approaches to treatment for
    major mental disorders… rpBerraoielgifsnlymo ss oiusfm, pemovriadtrreiasnyeca erl-e (bs2ae5sa ermdcha tr rekevsai)td menecnets r.e Ngoatred ing
    t•eeoopr vvfrrIe oniapvadlgcoatueonmrganmotutcresieaepnoi sy lstnre auea taolmlne enf(,d 0v mdai na-c a1nccr2uoty .rrt4 aoro)ec f yct ,
    i•ee1dppn vvi4orAsfoiar.ocdd9ltgruuere)nma sanqosytcuasiiaeotoailis tnn,or ebea nio lnsun efmudtc va mo siatcsomrncmsemutipa narteltraogem yc toe yeor n(fo 1tf 2 a.5n-d
    •aae1p nvc7rCcoid.od4ug mee)rn vnaopaccseyleiut s eora eanft lnitpeo dsovnu rat otmrnrefta ma yttoaam rl ye( n1ot5f –
    trscc•o1reuoo f9Ce lvmma.ela9eecvtpm)racma rsurane ,era rthhnaly tleict ogo any hasf pso pniesrvfedvot epaci geldontynsverd o a(tnars1lcruai7esdya. 5atain-lo, dn
    (c•aaeoo1o lvnufCl 9mi 9mmtetcra-npue2puncora5rndearte)ii tcmrchn a yeaegne lton entesf svtusf ipe a m vtaaonhentmrte ua dttmrrano aeerd ycvspy l aa raeollona,uf g nrdanlo tyoit oesniss ULO4: Demonstrate an understanding of the
    presence of stigma … nCeognastidiveer amtieosns aogfe sst iggimvean i n(1cl0u mdianrgk ps)o sitive and ifr•om nre bDois-sntmieegeismrhl ctlvtshraas ieil btn ( iafe0ofidosl-nmd,4r srme. 9eowd)apr it otihrot ns or
    itrsc••5mnreoo .UOa9afamnensb)dscr eesoseeesf en,pwno rbtstrcvhau umefayeotast , alrn siiobto osotirunahou ftdtsenru i we co orjoetuntriar htd d ijheulga raeldti asmtg t etilenoemn tteh n(e5t s-
    •go6wm if.A9vie tped)sho sne ssa qfiogotumeiravs teej eur rae dcenlgoaadents emosndineed gtinenoatrg t fa(i ivt6lime-o n
    jrr•aduee neCdlasdalgsce toneraeinmerdpg,i tenthaiongoti git nfgv hi( lieo7 mvs fm-et 7tanwhe.n 9sfiedto)s hp ara rogsdsetr isto inveg
    jtr•opmuhe uoCdeeatsosgmssismtoteiaa nmvcpgnlieereend eaasngihn rnt rgl,egde yicn l v cona(seo8tmeinenv-gd 1mesafio 0ttaduiro)nven edrfiica lamtitoe wns iothf
    ULO5: Compose scientific arguments,
    reports, or commentaries… SApPeAll fionrgm, pauttnicntgu aatnido nr,e gferraemnmcianrg,. p(5re mseanrtkast)io n & (rs••oA0ep vPPPf-eeAeoo2lrrloo .ai4fenrrol nl mgrap cpm,du iargnhnarergekctsa rtse&mue)n namttaciaetoir not, on, .
    f(••gppo2 rurAAra.en5mddmsc-eee2atmqqnut.9uu taa&a aatrmt itt,rio eeooaen rnvfsa,ekt ed sarsrhpen)aeen dlrllca leiirnnndggc e ,o ft o APA
    (••gpp&3 rurGM ra-en3oemsocof.es4temdntu rlm taeyaoatnr avtai,ciore co&iknrcnnas u,gg )lsrol p aAotedPell Aoin vfgoe,r ramlla t
    f(s••go3p oVAr.eo5mecld-clri3a yunot. r9gvg &a ,eo mtg roerraae dpalrf lmuoek prvnsmre)ecen rtasuacreila,nnl ta Atginoa P dtnAi ,ov ner y
    (••gppp&4 rurrEE ra-eonxx5emsfcccef emteeemsnurllsalltaeaieearotnrnntki,ncoi ttsaoia n)nosnnl ,t vg d.las ee. pnhv redaieglallll hiro nAdlfyg P o , Af format Comments (optional):_______________________________________________________________________________________________

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