ClientRequest Design

    The writer needs to check how many charts and pages?
    You must begin creating a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for ClientRequest application. Your SRS must include a use-case model with an appropriate use-case diagram and individual use-case specifications for each use case. Additionally, your SRS must contain two example user interface mock-up screens. Submit the SRS as a MS Word document to this course’s drop box.
    The use-case model in this assignment will be assessed using the following UseCaseModelRubrics.doc expectations rubric. An example SRS template can be found in this file: Example SRS Template.doc and an example use-case specification template found here UC_Details_Template.doc.
    You can use one of these tools:
    DrawIO etc. And Visio.

    Rating Category Exemplary
    Proficient Basic
    (Needs Work)
    Use Case Diagram
    Content Knowledge
    Demonstrates usage of: Actor generalization relation «includes» and «extends» associations Use cases, actors, boundary, and communicates relations.
    Syntax & Semantics No syntax errors.
    Appropriate usage of use cases and actors. Accurate UML notation, noun phrase actor and verb phrase use case names, accurate range and domain of relations
    Critical Thinking Use cases represent all of the functionality needed for a satisfactory application with no extraneous use cases Use cases capture a majority of the functionality required for a satisfactory application with minimal extraneous cases Use cases capture a minority of the functionality required for a satisfactory application.
    Use-case Specification
    Content Knowledge
    Demonstrates usage of Repetition & Branching
    «includes» and «extends»
    Id, name, pre-post conditions, actors, main flow, description
    Syntax & Semantics All specifications accurate Main flow elements used appropriately Every use case has a specification with plausible
    Critical Thinking All flows accurately specify the given use cases Majority of flows capture reasonable use case functionality Majority of flows capture plausible functionality
    User Interface Mock ups Well thought out mock ups. Reasonably thought out UIs Mock ups submitted
    Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Well thought out SRS Reasonably thought out SRS SRS submitted

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