Clic sargent charity research – Partnerships

    Unit Nama : Business Project
    Click Sargent in the UK. ( Partnership Only )

    This unit has been developed to provide students with an opportunity to experience real issues in organisations. Students will work in

    groups for a client organisation to complete a commissioned piece of research and report to the client in a clear and professional manner

    their findings and recommendations.

    The presentation will be used to assess how well the students have met the client’s objectives set by their research efforts, their

    capabilities in synthesizing the data and information collected and their ability to critically evaluate the research findings on behalf

    of their client.

    My part is to research Click Sargent cancer charity partnerships eg J D Wetherspoon.
    – How much money do this charity make per year.How many pubs and shops they have thier bucket collection.
    – Pick A catergory of industry to expand into eg Pubs + Clubs +Supermarkets + Donating through the ATM machines + Click Sargent charity

    -Why each are suitable / Disadvantages?
    -How they could expand thier charity / recommondations.
    – currently support similar charity/ Don’t support cancer charity.

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