Clearly identify the topic which is DYSLEXIA

    The paper must contain the following: 1) Introduction & description( clearly identify the topic which is DYSLEXIA, and what you will be covering in your paper. A clear description of the topic. 2) Theory: clearly identify what theories you will be using to explore treatment approaches. Pick two theoretical Perspectives and use that to base your treatment on. 3) Treatment: Provide 2 strategies/ interventions that your reaserch has proven to be effective with this disorder, for each strategy/intervention state a) clearly outline / describe the strategy/ intervention. b) identify what symptom you are targeting with this intervention c) clearly provide the steps required to implement this strategy/ intervention d) clearly state why this strategy/intervention would be effective d) clearly outline the expected outcome/ change that would occur as a result of implementing this strategy/ intervention. NOTE- make sure there is clear link between the theories that you have identified and your treatment- you need to demonstrate an understanding of this link. ALSO NOTE: The treatment part should be the chunk of this research and carries the most mark. Lastly- research and present resources within the GTA( greater Toronto area) that will assist and support someone who has been diagnosed with this disorder ( minimum 2 resources) clearly indicating why they would be a good resource – who they are and what they do. (Refer to www. 211 Toronto for this).

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