Classic books

    Classic books
    1. Select a common theme for the books you have selected.
    2. Search the internet for the many reviews done on the books selected.
    3. Take not of the similarities and differences identified from these review.
    4. What you learn from this review is only to be taken as a guide to your analysis.

    2nd Step
    1. Look at all the questions asked from the power point notes.
    2. Strike off questions that overlap.
    3. From the questions identify key points such as: genre, overall story structure , plot, character, settings, ideology, narration, audience
    – What the author and the reader have to say on these key points and link to the theories
    -reader’s response theory – the demands of open and closed texts (session 1)
    -Does the book promote good textual health ? Yes or no, state evidence (session 2)
    -Critically analyse on the complexity of picture book and illustrated book (session 3)
    -Critically analyse on the irony, parody and intertextuality of these books (session 4)
    -Critically analyse on the suitability of the story (Session 5)
    – Does the book encourage or enable the reader to think, link, fill gaps, read actively (i.e. engage ideas beyond face value)? -provide evidence
    – Does it create a complex, multi-layered experience for reader?-provide evidence
    -Do you consider the book as classic? Yes or No state why?
    -Explore the issues of sexism or gender discrimination in the books you selected (session 6)
    -Explore the approach and ideologies (session 6)
    -Do you consider this book quality ? ‘typical’, cliched and stereotyped / didactic? create a multi layered experience for the reader ? Provide evidence. (session 7)
    – When are these books written and when and how were they written (session 7 page 2 of yr slide)
    Nodelman’s theory on quality of books
    -Answer the all seminar questions for your critical analysis on the books selected which I did not state here.

    -After consolidating and synthesizing some key points, link to the statement : of necessity, children book must be simple………..

    Your critical analysis must take in view of the theme/issues you identified in the stories selected.


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