CL600 Module 9 Mini-Essay

    Contracts Mini-Essay Exam Assignment

    Please follow the steps below to complete your mini essay Assignment. Please note – this is a CLOSED BOOK ASSIGNMENT. Do not use your notes, outlines, books, or any other resource to complete this Assignment.



    This Mini-Essay Exam Assignment has two components:

    1. Draft an exam outline for the following Mini-Essay Exam fact pattern.

    2. Write an exam answer to the Mini-Essay Exam fact pattern.

    All two components must be included in the document that you upload.

    Mini-Essay Fact Pattern

    Majestic, feeling particularly generous one day, says to her wicked cousin, Empress, “I promise to sell you my silver sparkle slippers for $350 unless I change my mind.” The next day, Empress tells Majestic, “Here’s the $350. I’ll take those slippers now.” Majestic says, “Forget it, you wicked thing. There’s no way you’re getting my slippers for any price.”

    Can Empress enforce Majestic’s promise?



    deadline: 6-8 hours from now, today

    3 PAGES MAX:

    1 for outline and 2 for answer to the fact pattern

    I have attache a past solution you can use for directions and guidance. Please don’t plagiarize.

    If done perfectly, you’ll help me with further online discussions/problems for the course. 

    I only need  LAW SCHOLAR for this work. Please send your bid message starting with the words ‘Law tutor‘  so i can know you read the entire instructions first. 

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