Cixous, Foss and Griffin, Fraser, Anzaldua

    Cixous, Foss and Griffin, Fraser, Anzaldua

    1. How have feminist scholars such as Cixous, Foss and Griffin, Fraser, Anzaldua, and the authors of the essays in the hip hop feminism anthology, rethought rhetorical concepts? Why have they done so? And why is it important? Examples of concepts include logos, persuasion, the public sphere, formal language, refutation and invention, audience, and appropriateness? (2-3 pages)
    2. McGee defines “ideographs” as the “basic structural elements, the building blocks, of ideology.” (7). They “signify” and “contain” a “unique ideological commitment” (7). They are “one-term sums of orientation” for which one cannot “question” its “fundamental logic.” An example of an ideograph is arguably “people” and Charland argues as much in his essay on the Quebecois. How did the Young Lords use “people” ideographically? And how in that use, according to Wanzer, did they change its ideological content in some significant ways? (Anzaldua can be discussed in reference to this question as well).You may also answer the following questions: How does Chavez’s analysis of a coalition between a queer rights and a migrant rights group force us to rethink how we identify with other people (e.g. “strangers” that constitute a people or peoples?)
    (2-3 pages).

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