City Parking Reform

    Hi, do you remember you just finished this essay yesterday?? My TA give me some advice, so can you kindly editing a bit? thank you 😀

    1.My immediate feedback is that it appears to be below the word requirement, so you’ll want to expand on your thoughts. You will want to review the Writing Guidelines on Blackboard to make sure you’re meeting all of the assignments requirements.

    More specifically, you want to be very clear about what you’re saying. End your first paragraph with a strong sentence that outlines the rest of the paper. For example, Shoup argues x, y, and z points. The rest of your paper should analyze those points and argue for or against what he’s saying in the article. I’d recommend having a friend proof-read your paper or stopping by the Writing Center to check for minor grammar and spelling issues. It’s simply a good habit to have a new set of eyes check a paper.

    2.(I would suggest  briefly explaining what the CBD is in your paper) in the end of first page.


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