CIS 267 Sales Commission for Furniture Store in VS 2010

    Requirements Documnet

    Date Submitted:  

    Application Tile:   Grand’s Furniture Store Commission VSTO Application

    Purpose:                This Application uses a Microsoft Word template to compute the commissions of six employees

                                     who work at a furniture store.  The application computes the average sales commision, the total

                                     sales amount, and the total commission paid rounded to the nearest dollar.

    Program                 In a Word template, the store manager can enter the weekly sales amount of the sales people

    Procedures:          to compute the average sales commission, the total sales amount, and the total commission paid.


    Processing, and  1.  The furniture store manager first views a Word document that contains a title, a table displaying                  a furniture store logo, and an area for six employee names and their sales amounts.  

    Conditions:                Compute each salesperson’s commission based on 7% of the sales amount. 

                                    2.  The ending day of that week’s cycle shoudl also be recorded on the Document Actions

                                          task pane.

                                    3.   When the user enters the required data, a button can be selected to display the average

                                          sales commission, the total sales amount, and the total commission paid.  All numbers

                                          should be rounded to the closest dollar amount.

    Notes and

    Restrcitions:          N/A

    Comments:            1.  The picture show in the table should be selected from a graphic available on the Web.

    This project must be done on VS 2010, all coding in 2010 and also be in Microsoft Word 2010. 

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