Chronic Renal Failure

    Chronic Renal Failure
    1. Identify, using a visual format, the processes involved in health breakdown affecting alterations in
    any of the following areas, eating, drinking, nutrition, elimination and sexuality.

    2. Briefly discuss pharmacological concepts and their safe, effective application in
    professional nursing care related to alterations in any of the following areas, eating, drinking,
    nutrition, elimination and sexuality.

    3. Identify the use of specific diagnostic procedures that may be used to confirm specific health
    breakdown diagnoses relating to alterations in any of the following areas, eating, drinking, nutrition,
    elimination and sexuality.


    1. Demonstrates comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge.
    2. Applies knowledge through intellectual inquiry in professional or applied contexts.

    Concept Map:

    ??The concept map must be computer generated.
    ??When researching the topic, use the template, to assist you in organising your information. The
    template will also assist in identifying key concepts and their relationship/s.
    ??The concept map is to be illustrated on one A4 page. Use APA convention to reference citations in
    the concept map and include these in the reference list.
    ??Concept map development clearly, yet concisely summarises the most important information these
    identified into what is known as ‘key concepts’. It also conveys the relationships or links between
    key concepts. Critical thinking and creativity are essential components of this assessment.
    Concept map design needs to be visually stimulating.

    Concept Map Report:
    ??You are to answer two (2) questions related to the topic.
    ??You are expected to paraphrase the literature and reference all work from others in accordance
    with academic standards.
    ??Use of too many direct quotes is unacceptable.

    Concept Map Report questions
    1. Identify and briefly explain the structural and functional changes that occur in the kidneys as
    Chronic Renal Failure develops (500 words).
    2. Explain why Rolcaltrol® and Epoetin® are used in the management of chronic renal failure and how
    they moderate this renal dysfunction. (Hint: relate to the pathology underlying the condition)
    (250 words).

    You will need at least five (5) relevant, recent (after 2008) nursing journal references as well as textbook material and seminal sources where relevant.
    ??Explanation of why Rolcaltrol® and Epoetin® are used in the management of chronic renal
    failure and how they moderate this renal dysfunction.
    ??Academic writing, spelling & grammar, referencing

    Clearly, accurately and concisely summarises the information that identifies an understanding of “Chronic Renal Failure”.

    The relationships/links between the critical elements are clearly and logically articulated.
    Originality, creativity and reflective thinking are evident in the concept map.

    Presentation, layout and organisation of data stimulate, capture and maintain the attention of the reader through the appropriate use of colour and graphics.

    Discussion of structural and functional changes related to Chronic Renal Failure displays analysis and synthesis of knowledge that is founded on evidence based research.

    Discussion of pathophysiologic processes demonstrates a clear and accurate understanding of what is occurring.

    Discussion of pharmacological principles demonstrates a clear and accurate understanding of why the drugs are being used and how they moderate the renal dysfunction.

    Writes in a clear and succinct academic style, using language that enhances the coherent and logical flow of ideas. Organisation of material and main points also enhances the flow of ideas.

    Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

    Presentation requirements are met well.

    Referencing technique throughout, both in-text and reference list follow APA convention.
    In-text referencing ideas are referenced correctly throughout the essay including appropriate acknowledgement (referencing) of all the words of others.
    Reference list to include at least five current, relevant academic journal articles.


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