Chris McCandless’ rebellious nature and his family relationship





    Outline Essay: Chris McCandless’ rebellious nature and his family relationship

    Category: Family relationships

    Generally, family plays an important role in the development of an individual. The process of socialization also begins at the family level and we are introduced to the story of McCandless through his family. Consequently, family themes are highlighted throughout the story and drive the choices made by McCandless.

    My tentative thesis

    To acquire a sense of identity despite many forces that may oppose an individual’s choices and ambitions. However one must not ignore advice from people that love and care for them especially family, in pursuit of their objectives.

    Some questions to research

    1. Who are the major characters in the story? What role do they play in their lives and those of others?
    2. What are the major family themes in the story?
    3. What role does the family play in an individual’s life? Does this influence the choices he or she makes especially in McCandless’ story?
    4. What challenges do families face in the story? Does rebellion to parents arise from an individual’s selfishness or ambitions?
    5. Can the issues in the family of McCandless’ relate to any real life situation?

    I chose family relationships because many young people can identify with McCandless’ story. Parents may have the interest of their children at heart but sometimes it might not be what a child wants. Chris’ parents chose a career for him without consulting him and when he disagrees, they claim to have the final word. His parents have not adjusted their mindsets to changes in the current generation. Generational difference between McCandless and his parents also leads to miscommunication just like most modern-day parents. They still believe that what Chris wants is not realistic and he should go to college to secure a white collar job.

    Father-son relationships are also important to encourage and understand one another however Chris and his father do not have such a relationship. Chris’ parents push him to rebel and pursue his dreams despite the dangers involved in the process of transitioning to a life without parental support. In addition, choices made by Chris after exploring his ambitions are some form of rebellion for instance changing his name and doing odd jobs. Chris should not have entirely dismissed his parents but should have taken time to consider the implications of the lifestyle he wanted to adopt.


    1.              I.      Introduction
      1. Provide a brief introduction into the essay.
      2. Provide a thesis statement about Chris McCandless’ rebellious nature and his family relationship.
      3.           II.      Provide some background information
        1. Talk about the major and minor characters
          1. Chris McCandless
            1. His character and rebellious nature
            2. How he relates with other people.
            3. The choices he makes and how they affect other people.
            4. McCandless’ parents
            5. Others such as  the people he encounters in his journey
        2. The role played by each of these characters in relation to the story.
        3. The main events that occur within the story
      4.        III.      Major family themes covered in the story.
        1. Love and need for emotional connection.
        2. Father-son relationship and this relationship influences Chris’ lifestyle.
        3. Family disputes and differences between Chris McCandless and his parents prompting him to rebel against them.
      5.        IV.      The role played by family in an individual’s life and the choices they make.
        1. The decisions his parents make for him without considering his opinion.
        2. His career choice and ambitions in life
        3. Pressure from his parents that forces him to rebel and run away
        4. His relationship with his father and the effects of this relationship on Chris McCandless life
        5. Acquiring a self-identity within the family unit
      6.           V.      Challenges that families face
        1. Inability of Chris’ parents to relate with him
        2. Family disputes and how they affected Chris.
        3. Rebellion and separation because of parent-child differences and death
      7.        VI.      Relate the story with real life situations
        1. Relevance of the story to modern day families and the problems they face especially children.
        2. Some solutions to these problems in relation to the story
      8.     VII.      Conclusion


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