Choose one national, one state, and one county or local human service organization, from governmental to private to nonprofit

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    BSHS 462 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment.
    Learning Team Assignment: National, State, and County or Local Human Service Organizational Structures and Processes Summary

    Choose one national, one state, and one county or local human service organization, from governmental to private to nonprofit. Each team member must suggest two possible human service organizations and as a team, choose one organization to report.

    Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word summary in which you address the following questions for each organization:

    What is the organizational structure?

    What are the departments, divisions, or specific areas of program delivery?

    Is the organization governmental, private, for-profit, or nonprofit?

    What is the organizational culture and why is this culture important to the organization?

    How does the organization build community?

    How does building community affect the value of the organization?

    How does the Blake and McCanse’s Leadership Grid and Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model relate to the organization’s human relations model?

    Do they have a strategic plan or organizational chart that you might locate?

    Summarize the differences between the national, state, and county or local human service organizations selected.

    Include at least three citations.

    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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