Chipotle Information Systems (TPS, POS, etc)

    Paper instructions:
    4-5 page Word report on Chipotle Information Systems (TPS, POS, etc) with 4+ fully cited references prepared in MLA format.

    Research current relevant IT articles in the news. Look for specific examples of companies/organizations, browse info systems vendor websites, interview people

    who work with the systems you are describing, etc.

    Report format suggestions: You may use 3-4 subheadings in your report to break up your material into sections if appropriate (such as Introduction, Description of

    Technology, Specific Case Study Example, Interview, Conclusion).

    A good paragraph length for readability is around 100-150 words (5+ sentences) and you can have several for each section of your report.

    Please address the following in your paper:

    1. Intro (why did you pick this topic?)?

    2. Description of technology & names of systems they use? (general & vendor names)

    3. What does it ‘do’? How does the info system fit into the entire organization where used (e.g., company + branches)?

    4. Specific real-world example of company/organization. Interview an employee & cite on Works Cited page.

    5. What did you find out from your interview with an employee/manager there??

    6. Your conclusion, suggestions, recommendations, observations, etc.?

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