
    Children Learn Social Skills Through Dramatic Play

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    Children Learn Social Skills Through Dramatic Play

    One method that can be used to collect qualitative data is one on one interviews. One on one interviews allows the research to be able to get real-time information to avoid errors and be able to interact with the population. To conduct interviews, one approach to conduct sampling is the thorough identification of only those capable of participating in the dramatic play (Silverman, 2020). The sample size also has to include a population of children of the same size and same academic grade. This will allow an almost similar knowledge and experience in social knowledge.

    In the qualitative research, we would be collective vocal data. The data would be based on etiquette response and the ability to have and engage in conversation openly with peers, adults, and parents. One data collection approach that may be used is the use of observation (Merriam,2019)). Observation can be used by the teacher in the sourcing of information and data relevant to the research. Through observation data can be collected while the dramatic play continues. Hence little or no interruption and the ability to notice the change in social interaction as exhibited in the play. Children tend to learn and apply what they have learned and observed from adults and their peers.

    To analyze this information, I will employ the use of ground theory. The use of ground theory will involve the study of the student's social skills before the play. Then as the first case, I would then use the first case as a reference and use it as a comparison for determining their social skills. The comparison for the first case in comparison to the first case allows us to analyse and determine if there are changes in social skills as a result of the dramatic play. To a certain the accuracy of findings, I would employ the use of repeated analysis and data collection to limit errors in data.



    Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2020). Qualitative research. sage.

    Merriam, S. B., & Grenier, R. S. (Eds.). (2019). Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

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