Childhood Obesity

    •Your working thesis/main research question: Be sure to identify the controlling idea of your lit review and present material that relates
    •Source selection: Choose at least 6 credible (at least four of which must be peer reviewed and the other two must still be from reputable and non biased) sources
    •Source Citation: Follow MLA citation style consistently and correctly. This means proper format for the paper as well as proper in text citation and a works cited page. You will need to be sure to introduce your sources in this paper. Tell us who is talking before you explain what they said.
    •Summary and synthesis of your materials: Summarize and make connections in order to establish a context for your eventual argument
    •Exclude evaluative statements about sources: You are not telling us whether or not a source is “good” or “bad” you are presenting that source and its information

    This paper should be 5-6 pages long, double spaced, and should contain a Works Cited page which lists your sources in proper MLA format.

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