Child sexual abuse is one of the complex phenomena in adult/child relationships Custom Paper

    In this project, you will use the theories and concepts you read about to explain: 1.How the abuser came to be a sexual abuser 2.The role of the non-offending adult Then, please make a case for the theories and concepts that make the most sense to you in explaining the complex relationship among family members when children are being sexually abused. Conclude your paper with a discussion of your role as a human services professional working with families involved with abuse. Who would you want to work with, and why? Who would you not want to work with, and why? This project should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words, not including your title and reference pages. The project should follow APA format. While the text is your main reference for this project, be sure to review the websites in the Web resources link and use at least one of these sites in your project.

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