Child Psychology

    Child Psychology

    After you have found five (5) current, within the last 10 years, scholarly articles in peer-reviewed psychology journals, regarding "Differences in Mothers’ and Fathers’ Interactions with Their Children", you will read each one and write a literature review paper integrating the articles and relating them to your topic.
    •You should read your articles with a critical eye toward understanding what the researchers hypothesized and how well they actually executed their research studies
    •You should answer the question: Did the research that the authors conducted actually make sense based on what they set out to do?
    •Include specifics on the methodology used, data collection tools, the sample/population of interest, etc.
    •In addition, be sure to keep a critical eye toward the strengths and weaknesses of the research including issues such as experimental design, sample size, internal and external validity, etc.

    This paper is to be 6–7 pages in length minimum (NOT including title page and references, with all text double-spaced and in 12-point font maximum with 1" margins). Again, this paper is to be written in APA format and is to include:

    1. Title page with name, affiliation, and running header (see APA Format Stylesheet)
    2. An introductory paragraph in which you will introduce the topic of interest at the macro-level
    3. Five to six well-developed paragraphs in which you use your critical article reviews to summarize AT LEAST five psychological studies
    4. One to three summary paragraphs where you summarize the findings of your articles and extract themes common to all of the articles you reviewed
    5. One to three implications paragraphs in which you describe the importance of this research for the field of psychology as well as for the improvement of humans in general


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