Child Labor in Africa

    The Researched Argumentative Essay

    In your last major essay, the researched argument, you need to persuade a particular group of people (your rhetorical audience) to change their opinions and/or alter their behavior in some way.

    To be successful, you will need to do the following:

    1. Choose a significant, debatable issue relevant to the people on the continent of Africa and/or of African descent( I already chose the subject which is ” Child Labor In Africa ”

    2. Identify your claims about the issue( at least 5 claims)

    3. Develop logical, ethical, and emotional appeals to convince your readers.

    4. Explain and partially refute some objections to your claims.

    5. Cite at least four different sources throughout your paper, one of which must include ideas opposed to your own
    (please use scholarly sources).
    You will also need to:
    Integrate each source at least twice throughout your paper. One of your sources must come from the text Call and Response: Key Debates in African American Studies.
    Provide a brief objective summary of at least one of your sources.

    so that was the prompt

    now i will tell you how i wanna the essay looks like beacuse i alreday wrote the first draft and i have some ideas that i wanna u to use them in the essay cuz it will help u

    1. introduction
    . hook
    . introduce the topic
    . brief back ground
    .thesis( the thesis must be explain my position on the subject and must be direct and my position is that i am against child labor and using them to get benefits) i already wrote mine i dont know if it great or not so u can add on it or change it up to you. mine is “i strongly believe that child labor should be absolutely eradicated in sociteis. i believe that child labor eradications has its significant role in building a better economy from the enhanced productivity and efficiency which children under good education and proper training and development would absolutely exhibit. so feel free to add or change up to u

    2.Extensive back ground
    . issues
    . defind
    3. starting the First claim ( i wrote here , because child labor entails children in working fields , their education is being jeopardized) as i mentioned u can contune on it or change it.
    . strong points
    .support your claim
    and then the second claim ( i wrote child labor also has long term negative effect on the economic growth of the society ) and start the rist of the claims until the 5th claims or u can add more than 5

    u can combine two claims togather or in seprate paragraph

    4. Develop logical, ethical, and emotional appeals to convince your readers.(counter arguments)

    5. Explain and partially refute some objections to your claims.

    6, conclusion

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