
    CHAPTER 4: Ethics & the Law

    HUS 1020

    Prof. Miller-Jones

    Chapter 4 Objectives:

    To discuss the helper’s obligation to establish a “special relationship” with the client

    To discuss the helper’s obligation of “duty to warn”

    To discuss how licensure and/or certification may lend legal power to the professional codes of conduct

    To discuss examples of ethical practices that may be illegal & the legal requirements that may violate the professional code of ethics

    The Helping Process a Legal Contract

    A professional relationship or even the perception of one can be recognized as a legal duty to provide care for the client

    The “practicing helper” implies he/she will conduct themselves in a responsible manner & follow the guidelines in the organization’s professional code of ethics

    A “special relationship” between the helper and client is sufficient to create a “duty to care” with a formal contract

    “Duty to Care”

    A formal contract creates a legal duty to provide appropriate care for a client & one that the helper is obligated to:

    It is a written contract b/w a professional counselor & the client

    It spells out the duties of both the helper-client in the helping process

    It explains the actions to service the client such as rendering a bill, the exchange of money, taking notes, scheduling appointments, or any advertising to solicit new clients (i.e., using personal testimonials)

    Its intention is to act in good faith & loyalty toward a client (also known as a fiduciary responsibility)

    The Legal Foundation of Ethical Practice

    Not only are there ethical risks involved in counseling but there is also a legal risk

    The process & relationship b/w health & human service professionals & their clients are increasingly shaped by law (e.g., cases tried in court may be written into the counseling code of conduct)

    Informed consent, confidentiality, & competency as well as mandates( for reporting child abuse), & the duty to warn have significant influences on the practice of human services

    Courts of law can employ regulatory & ethical standards to identify negligence, malpractice, & liability in the health & human services profession!

    Historical Legal Cases

    Bogust v. Iverson (1960)

    Case of Jane Dunn, died by suicide, a teacher sued for duty to protect

    Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled no “duty to care” no “special relationship” was established; the teacher did not have specialized training in crisis treatment

    Nally v. Gracy Community Church (1988)

    Case of Kenneth Nally, who died by suicide, church pastor sued for duty of care

    California Supreme Court ruled no “duty to care” was breached & no “special relationship” was established; pastors are non-therapist

    Eisel v. Board of Education of Montgomery County (1991)

    First suicide case filed bought against school counselor; counselor neglected to protect student’s death

    Montgomery County Supreme Court ruled the counselor was partially responsible; had a special duty to exercise reasonable care; “duty to care” “special relationship” were established based on the counselor’s specialized training & job description

    Tarasoff v. The Regents of University of California (1976)

    Case of Tatiana Tarasoff murder by an obsessed graduate student who confessed to his therapist in 8 sessions his intention to kill. California Supreme Court ruled therapists have a duty to protect intended victims e.g. “duty to warn” by breaching a confidential agreement with a client intending to harm others

    Cases of “Duty to Warn/Protect”What Should the Professional Do:

    Consult with an attorney if you are not clear about your legal duty

    Inquire about a client’s access to weapons, homicidal ideation, & intentions, including whether a specific victim is involved

    Consider all appropriate steps to take and the consequences of each action

    Know and follow the policy of your organization’s professional code of ethics

    Document all actions you take and the rationale behind each of your decisions

    Guidelines for Assessing Suicidal Behavior:

    Take direct verbal warnings seriously!

    Pay attention to previous suicide attempts

    Identify clients suffering from depression

    Be alert for feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

    Monitor severe anxiety and panic attacks

    Find out whether there has been a recent diagnosis of a serious or terminal health condition (you may have to probe further for info

    Cont’d…Guidelines for Assessing Suicidal Behavior:

    Determine whether the client has a plan

    Identify clients who have a history of severe alcohol or drug abuse

    Be alert to the client’s behaviors such as: giving away prized possessions, finalizing business affairs, or revising wills

    Determine the history of psychiatric treatment

    School Counselors’ Liability for Student Suicide

    Counselors should educate school employees especially teachers on the risk factors associated with adolescent suicide

    Counselors might institute peer assistance programs to help identify students at risk for suicide

    It would be useful for school counselors to have increased access to training programs for acquiring information about student suicide

    Protecting Children, The Elderly, & Dependent Adults from Harm

    Mandatory reporting:

    Designed to encourage reporting of any suspected cases of child, elder, or dependent adult abuse-counselors are advised to be vigilant & cautious about reporting any uncertain circumstances

    If children, the elderly, or other dependent adults disclose that they are being abused or neglected, the counselor is required to report the situation under penalty of fines and imprisonment!

    The professional has an obligation to protect those who cannot advocate for themselves in other words, it is within your ethical obligation to exercise your duty to care & duty to warn


    The Difference between Ethics & the Law

    Ethics, Morality, & the Law

    Ethics & the Law: The Great Debate


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