challenge and convention

    Saudi Customs seeks to provide integrated customs services to meet development ?requirements in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and keep pace with the latest ?developments at local and international level. This will be achieved through a form of a ?difficult formula considered Saudi Customs mission and slogan represented in ??(accelerating release of permissible goods and preventing entry of prohibited ones). It ?requires striking a balance between facilitation of flow of trade for importers and ?exporters in accordance with the Kingdom?s international obligations on the one hand, ?and carrying out accurate inspection tasks of consignments, on the other hand, to ensure ?prevention of entry of prohibited and infringing materials such as counterfeit items as ?customs is the first line of defense for the country. ?
    The objectives of customs policy in the Kingdom are summarized in the following:
    First, Prevent entry of counterfeit goods, IPR-infringing goods or substandard goods to ?ensue consumer protection and support of national economy.?
    ???secondly, Levying customs duties on imported goods according to duty rates set out in the ?customs tariff nomenclature.?
    ?Thirdly, Facilitate export procedures and open markets for domestic products.?
    ???In addition, Protect the national economy from dumping threats.?
    ???Also, Protect the domestic industries from competition and encourage them by ?imposing relatively high duty rates on imports identical to the domestic industries. ?In addition, the equipment, tools, spare parts and raw materials which contribute ?to raising the efficiency of domestic industries are exempted from customs duties.?
    ???moreover, Customs as a sole source of trade statistics provides accurate statistics on the ?Kingdom?s foreign trade on which many economic and political decisions based.?
    ???Next, Guarantee gains to the national economy via bilateral, regional and international ?agreements concluded between the Kingdom and other countries.?
    ???Also/ Exempt essential consumer goods from customs duties or levy reduced customs ?duties on normal imported goods.?
    ???In addition, Increase customs duty rates on the materials detrimental to health such as tobacco ?and its derivatives.?
    ???Next, Maintain the health of members of the community by preventing entry of banned ?items from the infested countries.?
    ???Finally, Restrict the benefit from the commodities subsidized by the government to the ?consumer in the Kingdom by preventing export of such commodities
    In 2005 Saudi Arabia joined the World Trade Organization and the form of that pillar of the Saudi economy, where accompanied by significant economic growth and has seen the Saudi economy leaps strong as a result of opening up to global markets and as a result of this accession faced Saudi Customs new challenge where he was on the Saudi Customs should work to develop theirand potential for facing the new challenges arising from the accession of Saudi Arabia and that it complies with the plan drawn by the Saudi government and work according to the possibilities available. On the other hand The Middle East region in the past three years, many of revolutions carried out by the peoples against their governments, which seen security Anflata and the inability of governments to control the security aspects, making terrorist gangs and drug cartels are active in the attempt to smuggle weapons and drugs into Saudi Arabia. Therefore , the first challenges facing the profile officials in the Customs of Saudi Arabia in the coming years is the ability to detect and combat the smuggling of drugs and weapons prohibited by the smugglers and criminal and terrorist gangs which are aimed at Saudi Arabia and targeting its security, especially given that these gangs are using modern methods and a new attempt to smuggle contraband from drugs and weapons in light of weak governments of neighboring countries which witnessed revolutions by people such as Yemen. Second: the most prominent challenges facing the Saudi Customs is to continue in the fight against commercial fraud and the protection of intellectual property rights , especially in light of the use of companies and institutions counterfeit modern methods makes it difficult to know Item replicas of the original , which requires the provision of laboratories and equipment of high efficiency for detecting counterfeit goods and to protect the country from harm , whether economic or social . Third challenges and the most important of those related to building the capacity of customs officials in Saudi Arabia and upgrading their abilities and potential and increase the practical experiences and scientific, that increase their focus while performing their work and also the rehabilitation of employees customs and so knowledge them to the terms and procedures and the latest methods of smuggling carried out by criminal gangs. And also promote love and dedication to work and staff sensor to the importance of the mission carried out by the service of the nation and society and emphasized on the commitment to the application of rules and regulations in force. Fourth challenge is to communicate with customs administrations in other countries and with organizations and bodies, customs and cooperation with them to raise the efficiency of the performance of the Saudi Customs , and the search for the best possible solutions to meet the challenges faced by the WCO and especially smuggling routes used by smugglers in their operations and coordination with those organizations and customs departments other.
    Keen Saudi Customs since its inception to cooperate with the customs administrations in other countries and international organizations and bodies which are concerned with affairs, customs and participate in the agreements issued by those organizations and abide by the terms of those agreements, which enhances the capabilities and performance of customs officers also contribute to the speed and accuracy of the completion of customs procedures. Varied agreement by the Saudi Customs contributed with the Arab Gulf states in the harmonization of procedures between these countries (unified Customs Law) and duties imposed on goods. The Saudi Customs also with Arab customs departments work facilitation and development agreement of trade exchange between members of the Arab League, which contributed to the promotion of development among member states Customs has also signed Saudi Arabia with the International Customs Organization (WCO) and work to exchange the experience with members of the Organization customs process and enhance customs work bringing it to the best
    Saudi Arabia believes that regional trade agreements can be a useful complement to the multilateral system, by deepening the integration of markets, reinforcing the role of trade in economic growth, promoting gains of scale for domestic firms and providing an expanded base to face global competition.
    Saudi Arabia was one of the six founding States of the GCC in 1981. The basic objectives of the GCC are to effect coordination, integration and inter-connection between member states in all fields, strengthen ties between their peoples, formulate similar regulations in various fields such as economics, finance, trade, customs, tourism, legislation, administration, as well as foster scientific and technical progress in industry, mining, agriculture, water and animal resources, establish scientific research centres, set up joint ventures, and encourage the cooperation of the private sector.
    The GCC Common Customs Law was promulgated on January 2003. Since then, the GCC states have operated on the basis of the common external tariff (CET). On 1 January 2008 the members of the GCC also formed a common market, allowing the free movement of services between the members.
    Facilitation and development agreement of trade exchange between Arab countries. The signing of this Agreement in 1981 between the member states of the Arab League and includes 22 countries and that was created to strengthen cooperation among member states in all areas of economic, trade and political and security as This agreement aims to 1 / liberalization of trade exchange between Arab countries from fees and various restrictions that impose them. 2 / facilitate the financing of trade exchange between States .3 Arab / granting special concessions for trade-related services exchanged between member states.
    Kingdom became a member of the Customs Cooperation Council in Brussels and is currently named "World Customs Organization" in 1392 the desire to take advantage of the expertise of customs and follow what occurs to the Tariff Schedule of the amendments, in addition to the follow-up to attend the meetings of the committees of the Council. It was to join the Convention on the Harmonized System of Tariff current WCO HARMONIZED-SYSTEM as of the date of 1991 AH from the date of its application in the Kingdom, and the World Customs Organization Convention concerning coordination and simplification of customs procedures Kyoto.
    Through those conventions keen Customs Saudi Arabia on the cooperation and participation with all neighboring countries, organizations World such as the World Customs Organization, which would contribute to the upgrading of the system and the customs work and enhances the capacity of customs officers and improve the performance of staff and commitment to these agreements will contribute to improving the performance of work Saudi Customs

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