central element in U.S. politics

    central element in U.S. politics

    Please write an essay of 4 to 6 pages for the following question. I expect you to write your essay based on the readings identified below, on class forums, and on lectures and other video materials presented on the web site. I do not expect you to supplement these sources with outside research.

    REMINDER: Please ensure that you finish your work sufficiently early that you will be able to submit the essay to Turnitin.com for review before submitting your final draft here.

    Although the Constitution did not anticipate the formation of political parties and several of the Founders saw them as a danger, political parties emerged early in the nation’s history and have been a central element in U.S. politics since. In an essay, describe the organizational structure and roles of U.S. political parties. Using examples from contemporary politics and recent elections, assess the changing membership of the two major parties (the Democrats and the Republicans) and the likelihood that one or both will experience major changes in the composition of their membership in the near future.

    Readings that you should consult to answer this question:

    Ginsberg, Lowi, Weir, and Spitzer, chapters 4-8

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