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    Analyzing and Synthesizing Ideas Research Essay Assignment
    To write this essay, read chapters 21 and 22 of The ABGW. Then, think of a topic that you
    would like to work with and submit a topic proposal. Once you have your topic, start your
    research! For this paper, you will need to read and cite from 5 different sources. 3 of your
    sources need to be articles from the Mission College library databases (because they have
    credible articles that you can rely on); as for the rest of the sources, you are free to choose
    where they come from with the exception of the http://en.wikipedia.org/. This source is an
    open source website and anyone can write and add information as s/he wishes. You can also
    choose a book to cite from but, because you won’t have the time to read the whole book, I
    suggest that you choose one chapter, simply cite from that chapter only and consider it as one
    source/article. Your essay should be minimum five (5) pages long. Your “Works Cited”
    page cannot be one of the five (research essay pages).
    A suggested format for the essay is:

    – Introduction: your introduction paragraph should
    o adequately introduce the essay topic,
    o provide brief explanation or theory of the topic,
    o ideally, provide background information,
    o define key terms if necessary,
    o have a clear thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph;
    (the introduction can be more than one paragraph long since this is a longer essay)
    – Body: Part 1
    o In the first few body paragraphs, you should summarize the articles you have read;
    of course, here you can also paraphrase and quote! Because you will have read five
    sources for this paper, you will ideally have the first 5 body paragraphs devoted to
    summarizing your outside sources, that is, one paragraph of summary for each
    article you have read. When you summarize, do not forget to state the title of the
    particular article (that you are summarizing) as well as the author name. Then,
    continuously use attributive tags inside your summary.

    o Note: As you summarize, do not express opinion or do not add anything of your
    own to the summary. Do not forget to include in-text citations as you summarize.
    – Body: Part 2
    o Here, you get to respond to the outside sources you have summarized above; that
    is, you can “dedicate” one paragraph to respond to each article you have read. By
    responding I mean you should mention critical points from the articles that you
    came across, then add what you think and know about the topic from your (or your
    friends’) prior experiences. You can also condense your response and simply
    respond to two articles in one paragraph, optionally! When you compose your
    response paragraphs, do not forget to
    o start with topic sentences that relate back to the thesis statement,
    o be focused and developed and relate back to the topic sentences,
    o have valid and strong supporting details and/or concrete personal examples,
    o preferably include concluding sentences,
    o again, do not forget to include in-text citations, especially when you quote;
    – Conclusion: the conclusion paragraph should conclude the essay by
    o reminding the readers of the topic,
    o restating the main supporting points,
    o and providing a final sentence that concludes the essay!
    o you can also attempt to give a solution if relevant in a sentence or two if you have
    not done so inside the essay!
    – Final page: The last page of your essay should be the “Works Cited” page. You should title
    it that way (just like the book exemplifies) and follow all the guidelines as explained in
    chapter 22 (refer to page 597 to see an example). Again, the “Works Cited” page cannot
    be one of the five pages of your essay.
    Two Suggested Frameworks for Organizing Your Essay
    (Choose only one!)
    Format A Format B
    I. Introduction
    Paragraph #1: Introduction
    II. Body
    Paragraph #2: Summary of Article #1
    Paragraph #3: Summary of Article #2
    Paragraph #4: Summary of Article #3
    Paragraph #5: Summary of Article #4
    Paragraph #6: Your response to Article#1
    Paragraph #7: Your response to Article#2
    Paragraph #8: Your response to Article#3
    Paragraph #9: Your response to Article#4
    III. Conclusion
    Paragraph #10: Conclusion
    I. Introduction

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