Celebrity Addiction Paper

    Celebrity Addiction Case Study Analysis PAPER INSTRUCTIONS and Grading Rubric

    Basic Requirements

    · 3-4 pages long (double –spaced)

    · At least 3 resources 

    · References cited within the text and listed in the reference page in APA format

    · Submitted through Canvas Week 12 under the appropriate link

    · 10% of overall grade

    Each student will select a celebrity of their own choosing who has had (or has) an addiction problem—whether a substance use disorder, or another behavioral addiction such as gambling, technology, eating, dieting, shopping, sex, etc. Students are to research the addiction of their celebrity and analyze the case from a biopsychosocial perspective. In addition, students should provide a race, class and gender analysis of their case study. Finally, students should discuss addiction treatments/approaches that were undertaken or suggest possible strength-based treatments and harm reduction approaches that they could have taken. This should all be summarized in a 3-4 page, double-spaced paper. Please select appropriate resources (at least 3 reliable articles, books, etc.) to analyze and discuss the celebrity’s addiction. 

    It is NOT acceptable and is CERTAINLY plagiarism if students download or cut and paste information from the Internet without properly citing it. Other forms of plagiarism include copying another student’s work and claiming it as one’s own, or purchasing or stealing term papers from an outside source. 

    There are numerous ways to reference (or cite) material. Please use APA format. The Berkeley College LibGuide on APA formatting can be found here: https://berkeleycollege.libguides.com/Writing/APA

    DO NOT forget to attach a Works Cited (or References) page also in APA format. Failure to do that is also a form of plagiarism.

    The Celebrity Addiction Case Study Analysis is to be uploaded in Week 12. The discussion board for Week 14 is a discussion of the final paper in which you must respond to 5 of your peers’ papers. 

    The rubric for the Celebrity Addiction Case Study can be found below. 

    Review the grading rubric for more details about earning full credit for Celebrity Addiction Case Study Analysis:
















    LENGTH   (20%)

    Responds thoughtfully in at least 3-4 pages.

    Responds thoughtfully in 2-3pages.


    Less than 2 pages. 

    No participation and/or response is not related to topic.




    Celebrity addiction case is discussed knowledgeably and in   the student’s own words. Bio-psych-social aspects of addiction   well-explained.

    Celebrity addiction is discussed minimally and/or thesis   is not well-explained. Bio-psych-social aspects of addiction minimally explained.


    Celebrity addiction case is discussed minimally and thesis   is not well-explained. Bio-psych-social aspects of addiction not explained.


    No participation and/or response is not related to topic.

    WRITING   SKILLS (20%)


    Paper is well-organized with a specific thesis and minimal   grammatical errors.


    Paper is poorly organized and/or does not have a thesis   and/or has grammatical errors.

    Paper is poorly organized, does not have a thesis, and has   many grammatical errors.


    No participation and/or response is not related to topic.




    At least 3 resources are cited in APA format with in-text   citations.


    Less than 3 resources and/or no APA format and/or no APA in-text   citations

    Less than 3 resources and no APA format and no APA in-text   citations.

    No participation and/or response is not related to topic.


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