Cat’s Cradle

    Cat’s Cradle

    Choose a prompt (base it off of the book, Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut):
    In the beginning of a novel, the author may present a certain character one way. By the end of the novel, this character may be presented completely different. This is often what happens with dynamic characterization. In your work, pick a character which is transformed in this way. Describe the differences in how the character is described in the beginning from how he/she is described by the end of the novel. Use specific examples from your text.
    Morally ambiguous characters — characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good — are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous character plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.


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