Case study upon aspects such as the structure and function of the chosen company, the intellectual property/clients they represent, the role, function and shape of contracts

    Place attention to detail within your case study upon aspects such as the structure and function of the chosen

    company, the intellectual property/clients they represent, the role, function and shape of contracts, the companies

    role within the industry, the companies relationship with collection agencies/artists and publishing companies and

    the companies working methodology in relation to copyright law. The paper must be in third person narrative,

    referencing, bibliography and an appendix showing at least 2 visual representations to support your written work.

    (i.e. SWOT and PESTLE visual representation)

    The case study should follow the proposed structure: (250 word each)

    � Introduction and historical background of the firm
    � Investigation of the firm�s structure and functions
    � PESTLE analysis of the firm
    � Porter�s Five Forces analysis of the firm
    � SWOT analysis of the firm
    � Conclusion

    Learning Outcomes (this must be covered)

    2. Evaluate basic copyright law and the format of relevant music industry based contracts, from a variety of

    positions (e.g. performers, song writers, music publishers, music industry workers).
    4. Produce a well-structured, critical case study of a publishing firm with reference to its legal framework,

    employing fundamental skills of primary and secondary research.

    Assessment feedback will be subdivided into areas such as:
    � Analysis.
    � Content.
    � Critique.
    � Literacy.
    � Referencing. � Bibliography. � Presentation.

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