Case Study: Strident

    Prepare a 4- to 5-page paper using the attached documents for format. Support your discussion with references attached, PowerPoint presentations, and additional research as needed, listed below. In the paper address the following:

    Define the problem: What exactly is the problem being faced by Strident? How does group dynamics (communications, trust, and conflict) contribute to the situation? How does the Johari Window model contribute to our understanding of the problem?

    Analyze the cause: What forces are working to create this problem?

    Propose a solution: What does the company need to do to turn this situation around? Use the Johari Window model to suggest solutions to the problems this organization is facing. Be specific in your suggestions of recommended actions.

    Overall, you must demonstrate that you have read, understood, and can apply the background materials by citing them in support of your analysis.

    Only use the attached case study, powerpoint and the following references to complete this paper:

    The Johari Window: Using Self-Discovery and Communication to Build Trust, (2015). Mindtools. Retrieved from

    Models of communication. (2015) Wikipedia.

    Smith, M. K. (2005). Bruce W. Tuckman–forming, storming, norming and performing in groups, The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education, retrieved from

    Swift trust—why some teams don’t storm (2011). In Management Pocketbooks. Retrieved from

    Mottola, G. & Utkus, S. (2009). Group decision-making: Implications for investment committees. Vanguard Investment Counseling and Research. Retrieved from

    Issues Teams Face: Managing Conflict (n.d.) Retrieved from

    Segal, J & Smith, M. (2012). Conflict resolution skills: Building the skills that can turn conflicts into opportunities.

    Group dynamics: Basic nature of groups and how they develop. (n.d.) In Free Management Library. Retrieved from

    Please create the case study in the format below:

    Example of the structure of a Case Assignment that requires 4 pages of text (not including the cover page, and not including a reference page for assignments that require one):

    Cover Page
    Body of Paper – Point A, Point B, Sub-point 1, Sub-point 2
    – Point C, Point D
    Reference Page

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