Case Study Presentation

    This is a two step presentation process where you will be a presenter and an audience member.


    Part 1 / Week 1 (RECORD PRESENTATIONS) Due June 25th


    1. Based on the case you signed up for last week record (by video or audio) a 3- 5 minute presentation including the following:


    What to include in your presentation:


       – Summary of the Case and key ethical issues


      –  Research two similar situations recently occurring in society and present these     as well


      – Answer at least 2 – 3 of the questions at the end of case.


    – You will upload your presentation to this discussion board below. Note you must click reply to see the filmstrip icon.


    2) Also provide an initial post that provides one paragraph explaining the ethical dilemma and starts a conversation to the class with questions.




    Week 2 / Response week: July 1st


    3) Carry the conversation – peers will write in on your presentation and you must keep the thread and conversation going. You should post at least 2 more times in the hopes of continuing a dialogue and not just agreeing with classmates. You do not need to respond to everyone but think of this as a Q & A after a class discussion or a class conversation. Please note that this conversation will be used in your upcoming Issue Reaction Paper.


    4) Post to your peers. As with any presentation you must also be an audience so I would like you to watch/listen to three presentations this week and respond to your peers. Please share the wealth. I want everyone to get some viewership. Please comment more on those who haven’t been watched yet.


    Breakdown of points:


    Presentation – 20 points


    Carry the conversation -10 points


    Peer responses – 10 points

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