Case study plan

    Case study plan

    Last revised 31-1-13 SW
    BE470 2013 Case study assignment brief
    ‘Cirque du Soleil’s Human Resource Management Practices’
    The assessment for the module is in two linked parts:
    Assignment 1: worth 20% of the module but more importantly is an opportunity to receive feedback on your
    ideas and draft so far.
    • Case study plan
    • 1500 words
    • Use the template provided
    • Deadline Weds 13th February (OCS)
    Assignment 2: worth 80% of the module mark – this is the main assignment but builds on the preparatory
    work completed in Assignment 1
    • Case study analysis
    • 3500 words
    • Discursive, ‘essay’ style answers to the questions
    • Deadline Weds 24th April (OCS)
    All electronically submitted work will be checked through the University’s plagiarism detection software. Please
    ensure your assignments are fully referenced in the correct Harvard format. If you are not sure how to do this,
    please ask for guidance or you will lose marks (or could face disciplinary action for academic misconduct). In
    contrast, thorough and accurate referencing will be reflected in a higher mark for your work.
    The case study is a foundation for this assignment and you are free to do your own research into Cirque du Soleil
    to supplement the materials given. Do think critically about the source of these materials, however – who has
    published them and why? Are they attempting to provide a particular perspective on the company, for example?
    Case Study questions:
    1. Drawing on appropriate theoretical models, undertake an analysis of the kind of HRM system in operation
    at Cirque du Soleil.
    Here you are critically examining the approach to HRM in general that Cirque are adopting. You are free to choose any
    appropriate model of HRM (including Storey’s model outlined in class) but more credit will be given for independent research
    and selection of models/theories from your wider reading.
    2. How does HRM contribute to Cirque’s business success?
    You will need to review a range of literature that seeks to establish a link between HRM and organizational performance in
    order to adequately assess how you think HR practices are linked to the organization’s performance in this particular case (see
    Wilton Ch.3 especially p.79 onwards)
    3. Choose one area of the module and critically assess how Cirque du Soleil manages this element of their
    HRM activity.
    You should incorporate wide reading around your topic for good marks here. Use the examples given in the case as a starting
    point for an in-depth discussion about the critical issues raised by your particular topic.





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