Case Study Analysis-How a City Drowned

    You will research patterns and meanings in the theoretical bases associated with the case. The readings will help you analyze and explain what went wrong in the application of the theories or in the assumptions of the theories themselves that caused the failure of the system and contributed to the case’s outcome. Based on the knowledge gained from research and readings, you will analyze your understanding of this knowledge and relate it to public administration theory constructs and bases.
    Project Objectives
    To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
    1. Analyze the relationship between public administration theories and the case study.
    2. Analyze public administration processes as they relate to the case study.
    3. Analyze the internal and external environmental relationships and constructs that affected the case.
    4. Determine implications for the future of public administration as it relates to the case study.
    5. Demonstrate academic analysis and writing style.
    In this project, you are required to prepare an annotated bibliography (2–3 pages) and a rough draft outline (2–3 pages, for a total of 4–6 pages for the entire paper) for your case study analysis final project.
    You will use the research collected in this assignment to complete your final project.
    Step 1: Develop an Annotated Bibliography-DUE AUGUST 18th
    Your annotated bibliography should:
    • Provide a citation in APA style for each reference.
    • Provide a summary of the key ideas of each reference.
    • Describe how each source relates to the course project topic.
    • Provide a brief summary of each major content area. List subsections with each major content area.
    Some articles for consideration:
    • Read Eagan’s 2007 article, “Is Authority in Public Administration Separable from Authoritarianism? Personalities, Institutions, and Resistance,” from Administrative Theory & Praxis, volume 29, issue 1, pages 83–101.
    • Read Van Slyke’s 2007 article, “Agents or Stewards: Using Theory to Understand the Government-Nonprofit Social Service Contracting Relationship,” from Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, volume 17, issue 2, pages 157–187.
    • Read Hummel’s 2007 article, “What Do Theorists Do?,” from Administrative Theory & Praxis, volume 29, issue 2, pages 292–296.
    • Read Sementelli’s 2007article, “Distortions of Progress: Evolutionary Theories and Public Administration,” from Administration & Society, volume 39, issue 6, pages 740–760.
    • Review Van Slyke’s 2007 article, “Agents or Stewards: Using Theory to Understand the Government-Nonprofit Social Service Contracting Relationship,” from Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, volume 17, issue 2, pages 157–187.
    • Read Seldon’s 2006 article, “Solution in Search of a Problem? Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and the New Public Service,” from Public Administration Review, volume 66, issue 6, page 911–923.
    • Read Stivers’s 2007 article, “So Poor and So Black”: Hurricane Katrina, Public Administration, and the Issue of Race,” from Public Administration Review, volume 67, pages 48–56.
    • Read Kikoski’s 1993 article, “Effective Communication in the Intranational Workplace: Models for Public Sector Managers and Theorists,” from Public Administration Quarterly, volume 17, issue 1, pages 84–95.
    • Read Trahant’s 2008 article, “Six Communication Secrets of Top-performing Organizations,” from Public Manager, volume 37, issue 3, pages 68–75.
    • Read Martinelli’s 2006 article, “Strategic Public Information: Engaging Audiences in Government Agencies’ Work,” from Public Relations Quarterly, volume 51, issue 1, pages 37–41.
    Step 2: Create a Rough Draft Outline of the Case Study Analysis-DUE AUGUST 18th
    • Identify and define the theories you will use in your case study analysis. (Note: Be sure to reference the author or developer of the theory.)
    • Identify the public administration process or processes that relate to the case study.
    • Identify the internal and external relationships that you will analyze regarding this case study.
    Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Include a minimum of 10 resources and citations formatted according to APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines. Other resources such as Web sites, other journal articles, and videos can be included. Cite these resources using APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines. Include APA subheadings.
    • Length of paper: 2–3 pages for annotated outline and 2–3 pages for annotated bibliography. Use double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Arial 12 point.
    Step 3: Write the Case Study AnalysisFinal Paper-Due September 8
    Write a paper analyzing your findings from your research, the literature reviews conducted in your annotated bibliography assignment, and articles in the Course Articles and Media repository, along with your recommendations for how the public administration system could have been altered to change the outcome of the case study you chose.
    Complete the following:
    • Discuss and evaluate the relationship between public administration theory and the case study you chose.
    • Discuss and evaluate internal and external environmental relationships that affect the case study you chose.
    • Discuss and evaluate public administration process as it relates to the case study you chose.
    • Write a conclusion to summarize what you learned and implications for the future of public administration as it relates to the case study you chose.
    • Recommend how public administration can improve.
    Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Include a minimum of 10–15 resources and citations formatted according to APA sixth edition style and formatting guidelines. Include APA subheadings.
    • Length of paper: 15–20 double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Arial 12 point.
    • Contents: Include a title page, abstract, table of contents, reference list, a literature review of the theories and constructs in public administration, and case study analysis.
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