case study

    case study

    Framework for the case study- Sonoco Product Company.
    1. The Background to the case study (Synopsis) (500 word)
    ? Background information about Sonoco
    ? Background information about the Packaging Industry.
    ? What challenges exist for Sonoco.
    ? What was Cindy Hartley task?
    ? What did she do and how did she attempt to do it?

    2. Theoretical underpinning (500 word)
    ? Using academic literature, create a theoretical understanding of the main concepts and issues in the case. i.e organizational flexibility, performance management (rewards and appraisals), training and development(multi skilling) etc.

    3. Using the theoretical understanding you have created in the above analyse and evaluate the strength and weakness of what Cindy Hartley did (critically evaluate the process and method she used). (600 word)

    4. Identify briefly what you would do differently. i.e. what changes would you recommend on what Cindy did. Please support with literature. (400 word)

    5. Discuss about the persons affected by these changes you are recommend,how it affects them and what HR/OB practice is necessary for implementing these changes. I.e the VP at coporate HQ,the divisional HR manager and the business managers. (300 word)

    6. Reflection: A mandatory component of this task is a maximum of 200 word-count reflection of how the learning activities on this module and the skills set that you have acquired from participating on the module have contributed to your ability to provide solution(s) to the case. (200 word)

    7. References (500 word)




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