Case Study

    Answer the following questions in your own words with at least 2 paragraphs each using the Case Study provided. Please have the question listed then the answer right under it. Each response to the case study questions will have a minimum of five (5) MLA-formatted citations (4 from any combination of Kinicki and Noe texts — and 1-2 from textbook or peer-reviewed article.) Examples of other additional citation sources would be company web sites.

    Which of the forces for change are causing SAP to undertake major organizational change? Explain.
    Which of the four targeted areas of change is SAP focusing on? Provide examples.
    To what extent has Hasso Plattner followed the four steps for fostering innovation? Do you think he could have done more to accomplish step 3? Explain.
    Why are some SAP employees resisting change? Explain.
    How might Plattner have used Lewin’s and Kotter’s models of change to increase the probability of achieving positive organizational change? Provide specific recommendations.

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