Case Study

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    Prepare a scholarly composition using references to support your thoughts and ideas. Denote the source of information included in your paper. Your paper should address the following points in an academic tone:

    A risk manager’s role in addressing the events described in the case study The Joint Commission requirements for reporting sentinel events for a hospital

    Steps a risk manager must take to address these events

    Processes and techniques that a risk manager would take to investigate, prevent, and control these types of events now and in the future

    Internal and external individuals and entities that might be involved in this situation, why, and in what capacity

    The practicality and implications of one or more theories on accident causation

    Measures to assess the performance of the organization and the risk management plan in this area as it relates to patient care and compliance

    Impact these events could have on organizational performance, compliance, and accreditation

    Include at least six references, two of which must be scholarly articles

    Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, well written, and formatted in conformity with APA Requirements.

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