Case Based Assignment

    Case Based Assignment
    For your written assignment you will complete an 8-page scholarly paper (not including front or back matter or references) related to a military family case from field. For those who do not have military cases, a current event, problem, agency changes or policy that impacts military families can be used and then discuss possible interventions or solutions to the problem. For example, as a social work professional discuss how you would impact public policy changes and/or discuss how you would advocate for military families and children. Make sure to use scholarly citations to back up your discussion points. Use a variety of citations. Do not rely solely on one or two texts, and not introductory first year texts or solely classroom readings. Do a search for citations including refereed journal articles, do not use lecture notes and please do not over rely on websites and make sure these are legitimate sources.

    The paper must include the following criteria:
    1. A discussion of the relevant descriptive features of the case or problem, relating it to a theoretical framework(s) we have discussed or you have found in your readings.If you are doing a family case please provide a briefdescription of the family or couples’ case. Formulate a family or couples’ based assessment indicating the stressors the family or couple is facing as well as the strengths. If your paper is based on a policy issue, then please indicate your rationale for selecting this issue and any relevant background information (25 pts.)
    Points earned _______

    2. Provide an analysis of the issues identified above and integrate them into a diagnostic formulary (i.e., diagnosis on all 5 axes for an identified family member). Indicate the contextual and personal factors that are most relevant for explaining the problem or problems. Please create a genogram to depict the family dynamics and transactions (place as an appendix). If you selected a policy or current events scenario discuss policy changesyou would implement or provide your advocacyagenda to promote change in the governmental system. In other words, this is a summary section for either the policy or clinical case, and should be concise and yet comprehensive(i.e., depth of analysis) (20 pts.)
    Points earned ________
    3. Provide a discussion of a family based intervention approach (evidenced-based whenever possible). Intervention options should be included (with a discussion of relative strengths and weaknesses).Your interventions should support your summary as stated above. For example, if you do a referral for housing assistance, then make sure that this issue is reflected in your assessment (grading criteria 1) and in your diagnostic formulary (grading criteria 2; i.e., Axis IV). For those writing on policy, discuss agency policies past versus current in a comparison analysis framework (please use a diagram to illustrate and place as an appendix). Alternatively, you can conduct a SWOT analysis or use a Logic Model to illustrate your proposed program (attach as an appendix). In any selection (policy or clinical case) discuss legal, ethical, and moral issues impacting military families (20 pts.)
    Points earned _________

    4. Discuss diversity (e.g., gender, race, disability, or cultural issues – including military culture) associated with the case or policy. Include how your personal values and views impact your practice or your policy approach in the conclusion section of your paper (20 pts.)
    Points earned _________

    5. Written quality of paper (e.g., organization, clarity, grammatically correct, punctuation, proof read and the use of APA style) (15 pts.)APA style includes the use of headings and subheadings. Remember to start with a brief introduction and end with a conclusion. Do not use lengthy citations or quotes; rather, paraphrase material to make your point. When you quote directly, you must include pagination and attribution. Do not simply link quotes together with some narrative. If you are unclear about APA style, please consult the manual or see your instructor.
    Points earned __________


    For those doing genograms you can download free genogram programs (search for them on the internet, for instance, or you can draw these by hand (please check with your instructor).
    Assignment is due on the last day of class (please verify with your instructor for exact day and time)

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