Case Analysis – How to Market in a Downturn

    This has to be an original paper that is properly cited (APA). Wikipedia is not allowed as a source.

    Please read the attached Case study – How to Market in a Downturn, John A. Quelch; Katherine E. Jocz, Harvard Business Review, Apr 01, 2009.

    In this piece the authors claim that the rising sales during booming economies are not just a derivative of clever advertising or appealing products alone, but an outcome of higher disposable incomes, consumers’ confidence about future, embracing lifestyles and values that encourage consumption etc, and the same factors would derive consumers spending patterns during recessions too. And therefore, companies need to understand consumer psychology and accordingly, formulate strategies. During recessions, the companies need to do a psychological segmentation of consumers…

    ***For this paper dissect and explain the authors’ proposed approaches for managing marketing investment and for marketing through a recession in term of consumers’ psychological core concepts we have reviewed in the text (i.e., consumers’ motivation, ability, opportunity, exposure, attention, perception, knowledge, understanding, & attitudes).

    – Rationale must integrate course concepts from the readings and the case
    – The analysis should be NO MORE than 4 pages, not including cover page or reference page
    – The paper should be double spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides and a 12 point font.
    – Please be sure to cite ALL of your sources. I have included the first three chapters of the courses book:

    Hoyer, W., Pieters, R., & MacInnis, D. (2013). Consumer behavior (Sixth ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

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