Carlson and Erickson article

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    revisit the Carlson and Erickson article, "Honoring and Privileging Personal Experience and Knowledge." Respond to all of the re-membering questions listed below. If you would like to respond to more of the questions from the article, feel free to do so.
    In addition, reflect on and briefly describe your experience of telling a part of your own story.
    Can you recall someone with whom you had a special, caring relationship; or who you think you were able to help in a significant way?
    What was it about that relationship that allowed caring to take place?
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    How did you experience yourself in this relationship?
    If this person were here today, what would he or she say about you, your qualities, or your desires? Consider how this relationship affected your decision to become a couple and family therapist.
    What abilities did this person have or share with you that you would also like to have or share with others, in your work as a therapist?
    How might you be able to draw from the wisdom, love, knowledge, and skills of this person, in your work as a therapist?
    What are your hopes about how others, such as clients, would experience themselves when they are with you?
    What do you think the other person got from you as a result of your relationship with one another?
    Carlson, T. D., & Erickson, M. J. (2001). Honoring and privileging personal experience and knowledge: Ideas for a narrative therapy approach to the training and supervision of new therapists. Contemporary Family Therapy, 23(2), 199–220.
    Response Guidelines
    Respond to the posts of two of your peers by highlighting and validating their personal strengths. Point out the gifts they bring into the profession of marriage and family therapy.
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