caring for a loved one with dementia

    caring for a loved one with dementia



    Order Instructions:

    Order Instructions:
    Design an educational intervention to prepare new and potential caregivers of dementia patients for what to expect in caring for an older loved one. In your paper you should:
    1.Identify a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia.
    2.Propose interventions for dealing with these issues.
    3.Discuss why the topics were selected, citing evidence.
    Various dementia websites (e.g., provide excellent information.

    The format of the report is to be as follows:
    •Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.
    •Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.
    •In addition to the two to three (2-3) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
    •Include a separate page with your minimum of three references.
    NOTE: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills. The assignment will be graded using the associated rubric. Outcome Assessed •Analyze contemporary concerns associated with lifespan development.
    •Analyze the interaction between the environment and the individual as it affects stages of development such as infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and later life.
    •Use technology and information resources to research issues in lifespan development.

    1. Identify a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia. Did not identify a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Identified partially a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Identified sufficiently a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia; Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Identified fully a minimum of five (5) issues that are most important for caregivers to understand and address regarding the behavior of people with dementia. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
    2. Propose interventions for dealing with these issues. Did not propose interventions for dealing with these issues; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially proposed interventions for dealing with these issues; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently proposed interventions for dealing with these issues; Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Fully proposed interventions for dealing with these issues. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
    3. Discuss why the topics were selected, citing evidence. Did not discuss why the topics were selected, citing evidence; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Discussed partially why the topics were selected, citing evidence; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Discussed sufficiently why the topics were selected, citing evidence; Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Discussed fully why the topics were selected, citing evidence; Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
    4. Clarity Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized.
    (Major issues) Explanations generally unclear and not well organized.
    (Many issues) Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues) Explanations very clear and well organized.
    (Added helpful details.)


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