cargo carrying capacity innovations

    cargo carrying capacity innovations
    Compare and contrast how the different cargo carrying capacity innovations and related transportation security policies have impacted the U.S. trucking and rail service industry from December 1980 until December 2011.
    Note: Compare means list factors such as how much one mode can be described in what it can carry, the distance moved, and many other similar factors.
    Two, contrast means to demonstrate with numbers or facts how that list of factors from one mode is better, or different, than the other mode under certain circumstances and geography.
    Three, discuss any kind of technology that affects one or both modes of carriers.
    Four, your answer covers all trucking and rail across the U.S., border to border. So, be creative, but include facts from referenced sources.

    Keep in mind the purpose is to answer the question at hand using originality, critical thought and support. Include an answer that is not common and consider opposing views. You need to include a conclusion wrap-up and restates the thesis. Provide transitions between paragraphs. Remember that all direct quotes will require a page or paragraph number with the citation.

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