Career research paper

    Career research paper

    elect a business career (for example, marketing manager, human resource director, accountant, small business owner, retail manager, etc). In a four to five page paper, provide specific and meaningful details on the career, such as (but not limited to) required education and/or training, skills and traits of a successful practitioner, career path, and approximate salary range for various levels. You must include an APA- or MLA-formatted reference page containing at least three sources (one can be your text).

    Your paper should include three sections: Section One – an introduction in which you introduce the career and provide some pertinent background information; Section Two – results of your research to provide a detailed overview of the career; Section Three – your conclusions and analysis based on what you learned through your research. Answer and explain the question “Is this career right for me?” Please note, to achieve an “A,” you must exceed these minimum requirements.

    Your final paper must follow the format instructions below. Your paper must include a properly formatted reference page, which not counted toward length.


    Required format for research paper – failure to follow the instructions below will result in a reduction in your grade, even if all other aspects of the assignment are correct.


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