Career Project

    Topic: Career Project
    Order Description
    The third section, “Fiscal Considerations,” is a one year cash flow statement that assumes you receive your projected salary. A cash flow statement is a computation of what you receive less what you must pay out. What you receive could include your after-tax income, an allowance from Aunt Gertie, interest on bonds or a trust, after-tax income from a second job, etc. Your expenses include shelter (rent or house payment), transportation (bus, car payment and repairs, or other), utilities (electricity, gas, water and sewage), communications (home phone and or cell phone, internet connection, cable or satellite TV, etc.), food (groceries and/or daily eat-out allowance), entertainment (movies, special dinners, flowers, shows, etc.), investments (this is the amount you put into a Roth IRA or other investment that is not a deduction on your paycheck), reserve/savings, property taxes, auto/life insurance, etc. This is not an all-inclusive list, so add to it as needed. Also, be as specific as possible. There are several templates in Excel to help you get started.

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