Capstone Portfolio
Description of portfolio project:
Portfolios provide a meaningful way for students to assess and illustrate their achievement and mastery of the program of study. It is a way for students to reflect on and show tangible proof of their successful fulfillment of course requirements. Grades may show one aspect of students’ achievement, but portfolios can shed light on thinking, processing, and analyzing abilities. Further, students may use the portfolio as a means to show their skills and range of experience when applying for future employment. Graduate nurses may use this portfolio as a foundation and begin to track their personal and professional development over the course of a career.
Purspose of Assignment:
The purpose of this project is to address the student’s mastery of the six student learning outcomes sets which are as follows:
1. Student Learning Outcome: Safe care that is culturally and developmentally appropriate centered on building and sustaining positive, healthful, relationships with families and individuals.
Integrating Concept: Quality and Safety
Core value: Integrity
2. Student Learning Outcome: Practicing within the legal, ethical and professional scope of the practical nurse
Integrating Concept: Teamwork
3. Student Learning Outcome: Fostering human flourishing in their clients, team members and themselves
Integrating Concept: Relationhips Centered Care
Core Value: Caring
Core Value: Patient Centeredness
4. Student Learning Outcome: Showing increasing ability to make clinical nursing judgments
Integrating Concept:Context and Environment
Core Value: Diversity
Core Value: Holism
5. Student Learning Outcome: Developing a professional identity as a practical nurse
Integrating Concept: Personal and Professional Development
Core values: Ethics
6. Student Learning Outcome: Developing and fostering a spirit of inquiry
Integrating Concept: Knowledge and science
Core Value: Excellence
By completing this project, students will be able to:
1. Reflect on changes/growth they have seen over the entire RCCADNP
2. Provide proof of mastery of the student learning outcomes
3. Identify areas for continued growth as a professional
4. Develop goals and a simple plan for continued growth as a professional
What Students are to include in the portfolio:
1. A short essay summarizing your growth as a professional nurse. How have you changed your views of nursing from the beginning to end of the program? Refer to your journals about your experience with clients from all semesters to help you illustrate how you think now and how that translates into interacting and caring for clients.
Clients that I have worked with: Geriatrics,Medical-Surgical,Women’s special care unit(OB), pediatrics.