Capital Investment: A capital investment plan is a document that is typically prepared to obtain funding and/or financing

    A capital investment plan is a document that is typically prepared to obtain funding and/or financing. For your Final Project, which is due in Week Five, you will assume the role of a department manager who is seeking funding/financing for a capital investment, and you will create a capital investment plan to present to your chief financial officer and board. In the scenario you choose, you may be looking to expand in an existing department, or you may focus on a brand new capital investment for a new service line.

    For this assignment, address the following points as they pertain to your selected capital investment:

    Executive Summary: State the purpose of the report and describe the major points of the report.
    Service and/or Equipment Description: This section should be at least one page.
    Establishing the Team: This section should be at least one page. Include a chart that illustrates the structure of the capital investment team. In addition, provide a summary of your team (background, responsibilities, etc.) as it pertains to your selected business.
    Addressing these points will help you as you begin to develop your capital investment plan. Your paper should be two to three double-spaced pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    This is the first assignment
    Chief Financial Officer
    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston will be the hospital information I will use. This will be my 8th year been employed here. The department of Division of Finance is where the CFO Dwain Morris is. He holds two titles which are the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Morris has 9 different departments under him, we will focus on the Financial Planning & Analysis which is ran by Juan Castro AVP. Financial Planning & Analysis is broken down into 5 sub-departments. The departments are Operating Budgets and Forecasts, Capital budgets, Economic Forecasting Model, Long Term Capital Plan and Business Plans.
    Division of Finance
    My reason for picking Financial Planning & Analysis is because it focus on practices and strategies for improving the institution’s financial budgeting and planning techniques. It also provides customer service by delivering accurate and timely financial data, analysis and recommendations to facilitate progressive and insightful decision-making for the institution. This also helps the development of the institution’s Operating and Capital Budget processes. Long-Term Capital Plan outlines the major projects on the planning horizon which will be a source of financing. This would be summarizes of cash available to the capital plan, external sources and timing of uses such that cash surpluses/deficits can be anticipated.

    This is the markup I got back

    You met most of the assignment requirements. However, there are elements related to your specific capital investment plan that are missing. What type of investment plan are you considering to create?

    If you have any questions, contact me via email.
    Ms Crane
    ( 1.76 / 2.00) Selects One Area Under the CFO and Indicates the Additional Levels of Management That Would Fall Under This Area
    Proficient -Selects one area of responsibility and indicates the additional levels of management that would fall under this area. Not all levels of sub management listed are appropriate.
    ( 1.93 / 2.25) Explains Why Certain Positions Would Be Directly Involved With Capital Investment Decisions and Chooses a Health Care Facility for the Capital Investment Plan Proposal
    Proficient – Explains why certain positions would be directly involved with capital investment decisions and chooses an appropriate health care facility for the capital investment plan proposal. Minor details are missing.
    ( 0.19 / 0.25) Integrative Learning: Transfer
    Basic – Attempts to utilize, in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation, in a new situation.
    There is no evidence of the application of new learning to different situations.
    While the paper reflects an attempt to integrate new theories and methodologies, the logic of application to new situations is not clear.
    ( 0.19 / 0.25) Critical Thinking: Student’s Position
    Basic – Specific position is adequate, considering the intricate ideas of an issue. Limits of position are recognized but are not synthesized within position.
    You are encouraged not to use the personal pronoun “I” in academic writing as it reflects personal bias.
    The paper tends to be superficial in its analysis. More in-depth examination is needed.
    ( 0.25 / 0.25) Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics
    Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand.
    Overall Score: 4.32 / 5.00
    Overall Grade: 4.32

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