
    Cancer Research Paper
    Pick a specific cancer. Your research paper should include the following:
    1. Cause(s), 2. What does it affect and how it affects it? 3. Who does it affect? 4. Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment, 5. Is there a screening test available? 6. Survival rates? 7. What if anything can be done to prevent it? 8. Other interesting information that you found during your research.
    The paper should be at least 3 full pages in length and double spaced with normal margins at 12 pt. font in Times New Roman. It must be typed!!!!!!!!!! Three referenced sources in APA style, 6th edition, two of the sources must be from journals. Be sure to add a separate reference page that is not part of your 3 full pages. Please remember to insert internal citations to show what ideas came from which source.
    It will also have a running head that will be: Your last name/Class/Date/ Warren/Page #

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