Can we justify it? how would his stratagems be viewed if he lived in today’s world?

    Can we justify it? how would his stratagems be viewed if he lived in today’s world?
    • Mrs. Paulsen was standing on the railroad platform at South Station in Boston. As one of the Commuter Rail trains was pulling into the station, she noticed that smoke was coming from one of the wheels on the train. As the train got closer, the wheel started on fire. A spark from the fire fell on a suitcase of one of the other passengers on the platform. The suitcase started to burn and a spark from the suitcase fell on Mrs. Paulsen’s arm, causing a severe burn. Mrs. Paulsen hires you as her lawyer. You decide to file a lawsuit against the Commuter Rail. What is the basis for the lawsuit and what are your chances of succeeding? Fully explain your answer.

    • On day while you were at school, the landlord of your apartment building decided to enter your apartment with a pass-key. Your lease specified that the landlord could enter your apartment with the pass-key “in case of emergency.” The landlord believed that you or your roommate possessed marijuana, which the landlord believed was a federal crime. The landlord also believed that removing marijuana from the building was an emergency because the other tenants would not renew their leases if they knew marijuana was allowed in the building. Once inside, the landlord noticed several towels in your bathroom that had the printing “Property of Hilton Hotel.” The landlord then called the police and told them that you had stolen property in your apartment. Can you be prosecuted for possessing stolen property (possession of stolen property is defined as: possession of property that you know is stolen)? Fully explain your answer.

    2.Evaluate what you have learned. Summarize the most important observations and insights you gathered from the interviews. Do not just write down the answers the entrepreneurs gave to the questions you asked; instead you need to reflect upon what the business owners said and how their experiences and insights relate to the various topics we’re covering in our class. Write a brief (2 single spaced pages, typed) summary of those insights. You do not need to identify the specific business owners’ names and businesses, but use the first paragraph of your summary to provide me with a basic description of the two business owners you talked to, his/her business, and why you selected those two business owners to interview (e.g., “Owner #1 started a retail clothing business in a small town two years ago, owner #2 has operated a fast-food franchise for the past 10 years. I chose to interview them as each has made a very positive impact in my hometown and I’d like to have my own retail clothing boutique in the future.”)





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