Bussiness law;

    Bussiness law;
    hOW is the “contract laws” in the United States;
    2. Discuss the various types of “contract laws” in the United States;
    3. In general, what are the various forms of “unfair competition”?
    4. Briefly discuss the defenses to a crime in terms of III and self defense.


    5. What is “strict liability”? What are the various forms of strict liability under tort law.


    6. What is sexual harassment? What is the difference between quid pro quo harassment and hostile environment harassment?
    7. What is “meeting of the minds”? What factors might negate the “meeting of the mind”? FDCUMM.


    8. What is “discharge and breach”? What factors might discharge one’s obligation under common law contracts?

    9. What is proof of a contract? Discuss the various issues regarding proof of a contract.
    11. Discuss the “four corners of a contract” when drafting a contract.
    12. Briefly discuss the various defenses to crimes. Remember, five were discussed in class.


    15. Briefly discuss the various classifications of “crimes”. SITMBC


    16. What is a “personality tort”? What are the elements of a personality tort?

    17. What are the elements of a “crime” the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt?

    18. List and explain criteria the juvenile courts will apply in determining if a juvenile can be tried as an adult.
    19. What is negligence? What is standard of care? What is the difference between negligence per se and reasonable person standards. Be sure to list the elements of reasonable person standard.


    20. What is a nuisance? What is the difference between public nuisance and private nuisance? Why were nuisance theories ineffective in protecting the environment?
    21. Discuss the various types of contracts in the United States
    22.What is the “statutes of frauds”? What types of contracts would the statues of frauds would be applicable? What is “sufficient memorandum”? What are the elements of a “sufficient memorandum”? WES

    23.What is the “statutes of frauds”? What are the exceptions to the “statutes of frauds”?

    24.What is “acceptance” under formation in common law contracts? What are the elements of “acceptance” in common law contracts.


    25. What is “dilution”? What is the difference between “tarnishment” and “blurring”?


    26.Discuss the major concepts of “RICO”, in terms of “pattern of racketeering activity” and influencing a business.
    27.Discuss the various types of contracts in the United States.


    28.List and explain the “constitutional limitations” when drafting a “criminal statute”. EBHFDE

    29. What are the various forms of “invasion of privacy”?

    30. What are the various equitable remedies under common law contracts. IRRSP
    31. What is the subject matter of common law contracts? Discuss at least five.
    32. In general discuss formation of contract under common law contracts.


    33. What is discharge and breach? Also, discuss “PAIL”


    34. What are the defenses to “defamation”?


    35. In general discuss the elements of a crime.


    36. Briefly discuss the various types of business crimes. FBSRR


    37. What is “the reasonable person standard”? Distinguish between “negligence per se” and discuss the factors

    38.What are the major defenses to a personality tort? Remember “QTAC”.


    39. What is the definition of a contract? Discuss the basic concepts of contract law. Remember, there are three. CFE
    40. Briefly discuss the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments to the Constitution.

    41. List and explain the “criminal process” from investigation to trial.

    42. What is “mens rea”? What are the various states of mind that is required in a criminal statute. SGS
    Mental State of Mind (Mens Rea): Accused must have the “statutory state of mind”
    43. What is strict liability? What are the various theories under strict liability.

    44. What is a personality tort? What are the various defenses to a personality tort.

    45. What are “conditions”? What are the various forms of conditions? What is
    performance? What are the various forms of performance under common law
    contracts? TFSPNA
    46. What are the various legal remedies under common law contracts? DIIAP.
    47. Discuss formation of contract under common law contracts. MOACCL.
    48. What “offer” in terms of common law contracts? What is necessary to have a
    proper offer under common law contracts? How might an “offer” be terminated?


    49.What is “consideration” under common law contract”? What are the elements
    of “consideration”? BEBD.
    51. What is “mens rea”? What are the various mental state of mind? What is the “insanity defense”?

    52. What is an “inchoate crime”? What are the various types of “inchoate crimes”? ACBSA
    53. What is SINN? Briefly discuss each element of SINN.
    54. What is a “Fraud”? Discuss the elements of a fraud.

    56. What is mens rea? What are the various statutory states of mind? What is the McNaughton Rule and the insanity defense?
    57. What is the definition of a “contract”? What are the eight elements of common law? ATPFPPDR
    58. What is the “parol evidence rule” under common law contracts? What is four corners of a contract? Under what factors may a contract be changed or modified despite the parol evidence rule?
    59. What is the statute of frauds? When will the statute of frauds be applicable? What are the exceptions to the statutes of frauds?

    60. Briefly discuss the “elements of a crime”.
    61. List and explain the various types of “inchoate crimes”.

    62. Briefly discuss the “constitutional limitations” when the legislative branch drafts a criminal statute.
    63. Discuss the various types of “contract laws” in the United States. Note-ccii.
    64. What is meant by “negation of intent to contract”? Discuss the various ways where a contracting party might claim that at the time of contracting, that party did not have the proper state of mind due to negation. fcdmmu

    65. List and explain the elements of fraud.
    66. What is “strict liability”? Discuss the various forms of strict liability. AAWPS
    67. Briefly discuss the elements of “common law contracts”.

    Common law is a set of rules with institutions that enforce these rules such as the courts. Common law systems are laid out and have a civil procedure that each case must follow.
    • Subject matter: Land Contracts labor and service contracts, non-merchant transaction intangible property transactions and immovable goods
    • Law Reflects concerns of local transaction not national
    • Extensive use of consideration to prove the parties really intended to contract.
    • No consumer protection
    • Various forms of performance
    • Mirror Image Rule acceptance must mirror offer.
    • Offer revocable anytime unless option contract.

    68. Discuss the various types of “personality torts”.
    Defenses of a personality tort are listed below:
    • Truth is always a defense.
    • Absolute privilege
    • Constitutional – Must show malice and total disregard for the truth.
    • Qualified – Must show malice and reckless disregard for the truth and no social value.


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